Walks slowly towards you

>walks slowly towards you

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>you know what would be a great idea for our gunpowder militaries? Just have them walk in perfectly straight lines towards the enemy, also walking in perfectly straight lines, and take turns taking potshots at each other, completely exposed to cannon fire, not bothering to take separate positions for better cover. Yeah OK let's go with that for the next several centuries
Why were armies back then so fucking retarded?

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why that sounds like a perfect idea

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>break a unit apart
>no cover anyway
>still out in the open
>gets picked off by cavalry
>don't know whether to hold position, advance or retreat because the one giving orders is too far
>low numbers mean they statistically can't hit shit


Combat doctrine evolves with technology. Fighting with line formations was the result of a mixture of old doctrines and technology that was not yet very mature. Muskets were so inaccurate that presenting a large volume of fire at close distances was the only effective method of using the weapon. Line formations were required since cavalry still dominates the battlefield in some functions and a tight blob of infantry was the only deterrent against it.

They stuck together to create an illusion of confidence so that the enemy would become demoralized and flee

Old battles were allll about the numbers game basically until ww1

>walks slowly towards you
> conquers most of the known world while doing so

>musket fire can ignite gunpowder of guy next to you
>therefore everyone must shoot at the same time in order not to massively misfire
>imagine having understanding of weapons, devising best possible strategies only for some historically illiterate faggot to call you retarded

What else would you propose?
Bear in mind you have the benefit of hindsight. Let's hear it.

>If it weren't for you, that pygmy woman with the sharpened mango could have seriously...

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>Line Infantry
>better at taking out cavalry as they are charging a huge clusterfuck of bullets/cannon fire (protip: cavalry conquered the battleground for several thousand years prior)
>can have multiple ranks for near continuous fire
>can charge enemy once they're routed from their lines, ie. have lost bearing of their discipline and are uncontrollable by their officers/leadership
>can show off your fancy colored uniforms
begone historylet, I bet you think the US solely used guerilla tactics in the revolution too lmao

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What did the guy on the right tell the other guy?

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>runs at you while spinning and stabbing the air with bayonet


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charge of the ants

>You know what would be rad?
>Bigger spears
>Wait, like, how big are we talking about?
>Like, way fucking big dude
>I don't know, Phil, sounds kinda dumb
>No listen dude it's perfect, you get to poke the other guys before they poke you.
>I'm telling you dude it's not gonna work
spoiler: it worked

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>gee Phillip, I sure hope my great, great, great, great grandson isn't a faggot who lets turks rape his and his neighbor's children without consequence
>me too Andrew, but the Great British Empire is the strongest the world has ever known, we could never possibly fall that far, unless of course all of our decent and brave men give their lives in two devastating world encompassing wars, but that would never happen
>certainly not Phillip, and the hebrews would never subjugate the human race from the ashes

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Why are people taking this b8?

This is actually a great idea if your guns can't hit anything outside of 200 meters.

>some fatass retard in the 21st century will chime in to give his brainlet take on the millions of dead soldiers who fought alongside eachother in what they believed was the most efficient way of winning wars

Imagine how fun it'll be when international conflicts are solved by robots fighting each other with the implied threat of fucking up the civilian population if you don't capitulate to the winner
It'll be a regular spectator sport again

>no one thought of going AROUND the wall of shields and spears until the romans

Cannons aren't good at hitting lines. And how are you going to reach those positions in cover when you're attacking?

How the fuck is this Zig Forums

total war

ww1 was also about numbers

They stuck together to be better able to deal with cavalry while at the same time providing a small profile to be harder to hit by artillery and allow as many men at the same time to fire at the opponent. Also, it should be noted that muskets had to be reloaded standing, as they were muzzle loaders.

>no games where you can merge units to form tercios

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>I don't know François, I feel like there's something missing here.
>Nonsense Jean-Pierre, these fortifications will for sure keep the Germans out.
>I'm telling you François, I can't help but to feel exposed still. We're MISSING something, I just know.
>You're delusional, there is no way an entire army of Germans will march through the Netherlands, Belgium and an entire forest to attack Paris.
>But Paris is literally 300km away from Belgique, surely we should at least keep tr-
>I've had it up to here with your paranoia, François. This conversation is over.
they did march an entire army through the netherlands, belgium AND a forest.

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>its another "hurr im a dumb fat amifuck y did deys wak in da line" episode
Read a book nigger

It's like they never heard of the Alps before

ah yes, some random retard on the internet definitely knows better than the countless soldiers and military strategists that actually had experience with pike and shot tactics hundreds of years ago

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Because guns back then had poor accuracy meaning you could only effectively hit the enemy if you group up your guys into a line and fire at once, another benefit it had was that it made it easier to defend yourself from Calvary charges which were still deadly back then if you routed but if you stayed in formations you could easily repel a charge

I hate this meme. The Maginot line did exactly what it was supposed to, keep Germans from rushing straight into France. The French strategy was to rush into Belgium and secure the Meuse river line and fight there to avoid wrecking their own country again like it happened in WWI. They did fuck up with the Ardennes though, I'll give you that.

>wall reforms as a circle and everybody spins clockwise in unison to make a whirlwind of iron

Now what genius

>there's no CGI here
>they legit got a fucking army of extras to do a 1:1 reenactment of the battle
Damn they dont make em like this anymore

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There's auxiliaries at the end of the walls

what's on the end of the auxiliaries


The British were so based during the 19th and early 20th century

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