Why is this character smoking on the job?

Why is this character smoking on the job?

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should i pick up smoking?

shit all actually happens down there so nobody cares

you should pick up a football

Not worth the long term money and health sink. You're forming a needless bad habit that turns into not giving a shit about the repercussions. Tobacco is a billion dollar business that thrives off "looking cool" but in this day and age it's fallen off in style, but despite that, maintaining a healthy body has always been the most chad habit.

What he said

why are you considering it you fucking retard

when cowboys do it they look cool. when you do it, it's embarrassing and gross.

List a single positive to smoking.

you die faster, leaving your resources to other living beings

If you want to increase the chances of you dying earlier then go ahead.

smoking what

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As long as he mans the storefront he is literally invincible. He's smoking because he doesn't have to give a fuck.

Cigars maybe.
Just don't overdo.

Based weed bro.

Because he's an unmotivated employee working in a soulless restaurant chain

It's honestly great how people have collectively agreed that smoking is pointless shit. Its slight anxiety relief that only creates more anxiety from the dependency. If you wanna drug, just do something else

definitely. smoked meat is amazing.

The only ones who defend it nowadays are those who are already addicted. It's a pretty uncontroversial opinion I think

if someone can actually pull off smoking, then they're the absolute chad because of knowingly doing something that damages your body. smoking cigarettes give off more "ooh, that guys dangerous" vibes nowadays than tattoos ever will since everyone has them
however, 99.99% of males will not pull this off and instead will look retarded and smell bad. you're pretty much spending extra money now to have more bills and expenses later. not even to mention your quality of life will plummet when you hit 40. how many middle-aged cigarette smokers do you see that look genuinely happy?
don't pick up vaping, either. it looks retarded and people will assume you have commitment issues.

Smoking cock is pretty fun

Smoking has become way cooler now that the general population dislikes it, I'm glad normies hate being around smokers, it filters out the nerds who care about their health
Fuck off and go eat some vegetables faggot

smoking a cigarette or two at a party or when your camping with the boys is perfectly fine. sounds like someone close to you got lung cancer

you addicted user?

you should pick up some weights limp wrist faggit

Why is weed never discussed as much as cigarettes and alcohol? It is the third most used drug worldwide after all

There’s no benefit to smoking

Because like 99% of any problems people have actually had with it was caused by either some genetic quirk in the person or other drugs were mixed in.

>"Everyone is always talking about how bad hobo fights and dog fights are, when will we start talking about kid's karate tournaments???"

weed is a pretty nondangerous drug when in moderation. its still a money sink, but ive seen good things come out of weed.
that being said, "weed lmao"fags are insufferable and you are not as cool as you think. take a shower

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I legitimately can't understand why a person would ever choose smoke cigarettes. Weed and drugs are stupid, too, but at least they make you feel good for a little while. Smoking makes you ugly, destroys your lungs, make you smell awful, and gives you cancer. What's the appeal?

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I can't use weed. I have nothing against it but it hates me. I get extreme paranoia and stress and it takes hours to calm down.
I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't enjoy anything and the paranoid part of me is convinced that I'll stay like that, or that I'm dying/already dead, so I have a fear that I might try to hurt myself if on it.

It's definitely not for everyone but I do think people who have never done it before and want to should give it a try in a safe environment.

because the dude weed crowd isn't ready to talk about any negative side effects that can come from weed
you're still introducing plant resins/tars and carcinogens to your lungs when you smoke weed, and chance of psychological changes.
but you can't talk about that around 90% of potheads because
>"uhh, it hasn't affected me like that, idk what you're talking about. you just need to find the right strain, bro"
so nobody actually talks about it since it turns into that within a few minutes then turns into a back and forth of people not listening to each other.

It reduces stress apparently, also makes drugs (such a painkillers) last longer.

>It reduces stress apparently
It does the opposite. Have you ever seen a smoker that wasn't dangerously high-strung?

i used to smoke cigarettes and only actually liked them while i was having one. afterwards all i could think about was how shitty my lungs feel, and leading up to having a smoke i'd feel fine until getting the idea of having a cigarette in my head.
it's a lot like having really shitty sex. if it's been a while and you get the idea in your head, it's all you can think about for a while. then you end up doing it, feel pretty alright in the moment, and when things are all said and done you're wondering how that was worth it.

Ive had that happen to me too, but from small amounts of thc in some cbd oil I was trying. Probably the most afraid I've been in my life, guess I'm just sensitive to it

its a good stress reducer up until a certain point, almost to the point of feeling like a light high after having one. once you're no longer getting a buzz from a cigarette the entire habit turns into a source of stress where at best they'll get you to slightly below baseline/no stress.
they do make some drugs last longer but that's due to the small amount of MAOi alkaloids found in tobacco and there are tons of other natural sources for those that have no negative side effects.

It's an awful experience. For me it feels like reality is deconstructing itself and I'm powerless to stop it.

Does it actually reduce stress or does it give you MORE stress that you then relieve with the cigarette?


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