The Rockstar games since gta 4 have the most realistic physics I have seen in games...

The Rockstar games since gta 4 have the most realistic physics I have seen in games. In rdr 2 for example when someone falls of a horse or something the animations look absolutely amazing. When bullets connect it looks amazing. In every other game out there it looks just really unrealistic. And Rockstar does this some gta4. Not to mention the phenomenal graphcis of their games.
My question is, why don't other game developers use the engine of them? Imagine a fps game with the Rockstar engine it would be fantastic. So what's happening there?

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I think euphoria costs alot to use? That's my best guess. I'm glad they improved the physics again with Rdr2, GTA V was a disappointment.

>they're not selling it
>it's too expensive
>it's technically unfinished, maybe it doesn't support anything but third person games out of the box
probably one of those


Imagine unironically giving a shit about rockshit games


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It's not about the games idiot it's about the engine. It seems to me like it's the best engine you can use

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I don't get though why no else tries to have at least the same body physics. In every single game out there body physics look stupid. Rockstars engine is just a different level in these regards. I mean they could at least try to achieve that realism, right?

its a martini glass

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You like it? Another one of my collection say thank you

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Making physics look realistic requires a lot of time and money and isn't simply a matter of plugging in an engine

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But Rockstar has already done that with their engine so firstly its possible and secondly it can't be as expensive as not to buy the rights from Rockstar to built a game on that engine right?

This looks so real I will go as far as to say that's exactly how in reality it would look like. I want fps games with these physics man

I doubt Rockstar would let anyone use their engine

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It's all motion capture. All those excess deaths due to "heart disease" and "old age"? Nah. There's something else going on.

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How did they motion capture falling from a bridge and your body reacting absolutely correct while falling or when jumping out of a car or a horse with high speed and falling and grinding over the ground absurdly realistic? Rockstar has created the best engine on the market by far when it comes to physics at least.

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Pretty good in the Thumbnail

Looks like an ass but what is it? Anyway since it's from a whstapp chat it's not worth much

This is kinda wrong and doesn't fit

Not good

hehe, I thought the same thing

>big ass and lingerie

So, there is a real name for this lewd pareidolia?

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Petty good

Bad because cgi

Nice if it wasn't for the color. Whose we is red like that

Have this one already. It's good

Too red

Yeah it's called misleading thumbnails