Real men play puyo puyo

Real men play puyo puyo

Attached: Puyo puyo tetris.jpg (2000x1000, 602.25K)

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Getting a chain higher than 8 is pure luck for me. In fact it's better if I don't try it because most of the time it stops early due to bad puyo placement on the top.


The highest chain i can get is 8 too but usually i get lower than that, im going to keep practising to become the best!

Peak Arle.

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>play Puyo vs Tetris
>notice he hasn't sent garbage
>dude is building 4w

True fear every time.

To be honest the highest chain I ever got was 9 and I only did it once. I usually get a 5 or 6 if I'm lucky.
I kind of don't know how to get better, it is starting to look like I'm too dumb for Puyo. I really like playing it tho, so I hope it doesn't get too frustrating and I get better someday.
Have you guys seen people doing like 19 chains? Its pretty nice

There are different methods you can learn and practice to be able to make bigger and bigger chains, i can get a 5 or 6 chain consistently but higher than that is usually a bit rare though i can do it if i tried and fighting an opponent on top of that makes it hard to do since i want to get my chain out asap

Just practice in endless mode, like build as high as you can and restart after you've set it off. Puyonexus is a good source of info, and everyone and their mom uses GTR nowadays which is a really useful form. You'll get it over time.

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Yeah i practice new methods in endless mode like that

>bought Puyo Puyo Tetris on PS4 at launch
>online was literally dead from Day 1

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Owch, i play on pc xD

Yeah just keep at it. I got my first 8 pretty recently and can do it consistently now. Although it's funny how a 9 chain seem impossible despite it being just the next step.

Thanks i will! Good luck to you too!

desu I use Puyonexus and I play in endless mode. But I guess I'll recognize the patterns more easily with time and will end up learning other builds. After I learned GTR, things got a little easier, but I can't really transition into the "second floor" and make that consistent to the first (it never chains together)


I dont know how to do gtr yet though i can still consistently get 5-6 chains and sometimes get 7-8 chains

Uses Denuvo, so no buy on steam for me

And I cant bother myself to turn my PS4 on

While i hate denuvo i still love puyo puyo

Same, but I will never buy a denuvo game out of principle.

They patched out denuvo from yakuza Zero and I instabought it. Why don't they do the same for puyo puyo and their other games? I just fucking hate denuvo so much, lads.

Sorry man we all want the same things =(

Because SEGA is a bad company.
Same reason they never gave the Switch/PS4 PPTS release the Japanese voices.

>Playing Tetris against my wife while she plays Puyo
>Lose everytime
How do I get good bros? Is it better to build for a large combo or go for various small ones?

Practice those T-Spins!

Attached: Apple.png (360x450, 141.94K)

I've been playing mostly singleplayer modes for a little over a year and it still takes a lot of effort for me not to make an absolute monstrosity that miraculously still makes up a 10+ chain.

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GTR is really worth to learn because it is fast to build and you can almost always do it with the first few pieces you get

>Sorry man we all want the same things =(

>Same reason they never gave the Switch/PS4 PPTS release the Japanese voices.
This is fucking fraud! :/

Im not really good at Tetris especially compared to puyo puyo so i cant really say much

kill yourself redditor

>They patched out denuvo from yakuza Zero
they did?!

How would i go about starting to learn it?

Puyo dies hard if you're any good with t-spins or sometimes even just doubles.

But i dont use reddit xD

>Liking Puyo Puyo

They did a year ago. where have you been?

Learn to T-Spin and 4-wide.

>Hating people who like puyo puyo

>hating people who hate people liking puyo poyo

What do you do with an early T piece? Is there a good T-spin setup that requires a T to build? Or do you keep it and do whatever you can with the other pieces?

For some reason I really thought there'd be a Puzzle Games general on /vg/, even if not a specialised general for Puyo or Panel de Pon. Where do you fags normally congregate for gameplayan?


>knowing and using the term chigyu

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Here's a good tutorial I've found that can probably help as it helped me a lot.

I know how to build GTR (the transition itself at the very start) but I'm not good at filling in the chain links on the first floor. I can build the two/three chain from the left corner fine, but I often have trouble going to the right with it. When the pros build GTR, I see them almost every round setting up sandwich along the entire first floor, but it feels like I can only pull something like that off one in four times.

chigyu dono

>Puyo Puyo threads are now forever ruined by Chigyuposting

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This image helped me a lot.
>start endless mode
>memorize first 3 pairs
>pause the game and look at the chart
>try building a 4 or 5 chain
After a while it became natural.

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post the japan wojak already