Are you ready for his next innovative genre?

Are you ready for his next innovative genre?

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extreme yikes

Triss no! He'll mocap you and never call back!

damn shes nice

Witcher 4 by Kojima?

>post apocalyptic delivery man
>innovative genre
I can't wait for post apocalyptic garbage man.

How are you supposed to not look at her chest

Let's settle this once and for all Zig Forums
Who would win? Hideo or Kojima?

Kojima should make a game where you play as a Zig Forums janitor in the future

that's why she wore it, if they say otherwise they're full of shit.

rape culture at its finest

By not bring a bigoted sexist cis-male of course

its a test of how much willpower you have user, do you have the strenght to overcome your savage desires? ir will you give in to them? the choice is yours user

This is like saying SMB is just a game about a plumber. It's true but you're also retarded.

it ain't rape if it's 2d

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she seems happy to be paid to wear it, you dont seem happy at all. when was the last time you were happy user?

there wasn't a single toilet or plunger in the game and you never had to unclog a toilet. death stranding was literally fedex delivery man.

you want to try that again?

He's going to come up the idea called "movie"

Silent Hill Remake

You just know

Yes and? I'd rape you too if i could.

The Witchers

milkboy simulator?

rape doesn't exist

>invented the camera
>invented walking simulators
2nd person games are next. You pay money to watch someone play an fps.

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How many white women has Kojima riced?

By having sex


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She has manly hands

Look what she's wearing though