What made him so memorable?

what made him so memorable?

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He was one of us

He was a creepy fuck and also the first villain. The only good thing he ever did was power dunk Mishima in the face with a volleyball

The rape


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Probably the rape

He literally did nothing wrong, athletes owe their coaches in some form.

Did he actually fuck Ann?

no so he fucked her best friend instead.

His story was the most grounded and personal of the bunch, it affected every character you'd met until that point in meaningful, surprisingly realistic ways.
Other stories in the game weren't bad per se, but they were either really extravagant and impersonal, or solely personal to a character you've literally just met and had little emotional meaning to the already established core group outside of basic human sympathy.

It's just like one of my japanese NTR animes


He had a direct connection to the entire party and had a strong presence in both the real world and the metaverse. The story also made it clear how much of a negative impact he was having on others, throughout.

nothing really. between him and that teacher cunt with the poodle hair the average fan of this game truly has shit taste.

They literally tell you multiple times during the game that they did not. Are you retarded or something?

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He was an asshole teacher, and a rapist. Both things one would probably know from real life. It’s just like Dolores Umbridge being the most memorable and loathed villain in Harry Potter: it just strikes a nerve you’re pretty much guaranteed to have if you ever went to school.

Yeah I see people saying “oh they should’ve pushed him until later” but desu I don’t see that working without rewriting a bunch of the plot.

She could be ashamed of it and just plain lying, you know.

wtf why did I type desu I meant desu
wtf is wrong with my keyboard

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He was a disgusting power abusing rapist in a sea of western games that didn't have any?

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Let me ask again, are you retarded or something?

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yandere dev

Probably just not finishing Yandere simulator.

I feel like Pancake boy was pretty mediocre, but the English VA really took the shitmobile home.

Then start with that fucking example! Some of us haven’t played your weeb escapism game and just came in to shitpost, you know

The fact that a even a random-ass guy, a high school teacher, had such depths of depravity that he gained a Palace. Also the weight of, again, someone as common as a teacher exerting complete power and petty cruelty over his students. Banality of evil.

>that scene some time after Akechi reveals he's EEEVIL where Akechi and Shido talk to each other about their plan, but they're pretty much directly speaking to the audience with expository dialogue
Persona 5 is full of poorly written scenes.

Final Palace in Royal with his Eng VA saved him

He was grounded. His story can be seen easily in reality and he could have been based on a real person in many places in many time periods. Some mega rich artist, a mobster, a politician, a prosecutor, a CEO all of the other ones are too far removed from the everyday life if the average player and make for far less believable villains. Kamoshida was personal to the Thieves and made taking him down that much sweeter. Eveyone else? Eh.