Realistically, how can Microsoft gain the upper hand?

Realistically, how can Microsoft gain the upper hand?

didn't help them with the XBX

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Hardware didnt help them because they introduced the x1x mid generation and by then everyone moved to sony and spent their money there.

They are mitigating that with the xbox pass (imagine having 100s of games on the psn store that you ll lose if you move to xbox, but now you have 100s of games on xbox by just paying 10bucks a month) is wonderful really.

I really hope sony gets fucked, after what they did to the last of us.

They're gonna by the price of XSS

None of those look appealing.

Microsoft lost the moment they announced that all of their exclusives would be on PC. The only way they could beat the PS5 is make their exclusives Xbox only but that’d piss off PCfags.

Only rich countries get gamepass so it's worthless since they buy games.

MS waited too long to buy studios and their existing studios should have had sequels ready day one. They'll be competitive in North America but that's about it

>Cheaper box with the SeS
>The SeX is the same price PS5 while being more powerful
>Gamepass beat paying for 70$ for one game
>Gamepass also comes with EA games at a discount
>Gamestop get more money on Xbox sales, so will probably try and sell them more

>Rich countries

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Everyone thought I was stupid for buying Gamestop in April. Quintupled my money in less than a year.

Gamestop is making a comeback bitch.

I've always wondered why Microsoft and Sony don't just make a Gamecube like console, except every generation you just stack a new piece onto it like with lego and Switch docking. You do this for 2-3 generations, before repeating.

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Gamestop is dead, it has no way to compete against best buy/amazon, the stock increase is merely on good faith with the microsoft plan, pull out or cry on Zig Forums about it later

because it was an utter failure when sega tried it

if they go the extra mile and make netplay free, they'll literally win the console war overnight.

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how is gamepass any different from psnow

theyre both cloud shit

>costs more to own a product

Gamepass isn't cloudshit. In fact, PSNow changed the way it worked because of gamepass. PSnow used to be a streaming service, but after gamepass came out with installing the game to your Xbox, Sony took that idea.

>because it was an utter failure when sega tried it
Sega also tried using gimmicks like 3D glasses to win against more powerful hardware competition and failed, Nintendo also released the Virtual Boy as a gimmick add-on and failed, later released gimmicks like the Wii and DS and succeeded.

>shit that I either already played or skipped for a reason
>new games I give a shit about and want to actively support the developers
Why, yes.

>want to actively support the developers
OK faggot

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they need games. and not games*

*also available on PC

they need GAMES. why the FUCK would you buy a console that didn't have games?
why don't these piece of shit make some new ips? gears halo gears halo gears halo. they can't even do those games right anymore. if you're gonna milk shit indefinitely you need quality like nintendo. or you gotta CRANK new ips. playstation been doing it 25 years. xbox had halo, then it had gears of war, and....

>and not games*
>*also available on PC
You do PCfag think they have people play most games on PC? 90% of PCfags only play F2P games

you are a retard, most multiplats sell more on PC than xbox aside from those released and marketed by microsoft (hell, witcher 3 had MS advertising for it and sold 45/40% on PC/ps4 and 15% on xbox)

pc market is identical in size to console market. so unless xbox is the only console, pc is a bigger platform shitbird

Who the fuck cares about consoles anymore

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>ps4 and switch constantly break records
>w-who cares!
also I don't have to spend $700 minimum on a decent graphics card alone

so as it stands it's the same shit

Unironically feels good to pay 80€ for each EDF release, what can I say

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>most multiplats sell more on PC than xbox
>Uses a primary PC series to prove a point
Yeah, I bet Madden, NBA, and Mortal Kombat, the best selling games of last year, sold more on the PC than Xbox

Yes, and going by Steams Hardware survey, the vast majority of Steam users have shit tier PC. The most played games on Steam are F2P.

>Yeah, I bet Madden, NBA, and Mortal Kombat,
outliers that have a couch multiplayer element to them, I didn't say all I said most and my point still stands.

none of those games look good

By only focusing on one shitty game instead of 8, since everyone only cares about multiplats.

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so why has sony won every console generation since the ps1?

wtf $120 a year? lmao