How do you feel about devs putting their fetishes in games?

How do you feel about devs putting their fetishes in games?

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based when I have the same fetish
cringe otherwise

Good if-
You beat me to it

If you could get away with it most people would do it.

based OR cringe

its been happening for decades but its disgusting to know directly that they're doing it
i just wish they weren't so fucking overt about it


Compared to how shitty every other redesign is, Daddy dragons were pretty good
Leave it to furfags to put love and effort into furfag designs
They should have let them design everything, imagine Elora and Fauns made by horny arttsts

It's OK when Japan does it
It's "degenerate" when the West does it

I'm pretty sure that happens in every game. Like all the vore that keeps happening to have "inside creature" levels that have become a gaming staple

Honestly they're often the more soulful designs, so I'm fine with it.

fetishists unironically make the best character designs. They pay the most attention to detail and make characters who look good enough to have a fetish inspired by them to begin with.

i have a public nudism fetish

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Would you rather have a pervert or an SJW design your character?

case in point:
>art by a non-perv

Every animal mascot game.

Pretty based, we need more.

why be a dev putting your fetish in a game when you can be a kickstarter backer doing it?

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tfw video games will never have hot women with hairy bushes

I don't care if they're subtle about it and cater to straights and gays. Mostly straights though cause the majority of gamers are straight dudes. Also fuck this insufferable literal faggot his work unironically makes my blood boil.

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N-no, i mean like, when a person is completly naked in public and "nobody cares" about it

i donr care about western homosexual garbage so i dont react to their products , buying them simple as that if westerners like gay , macho and faggy stuff let them be as long they dont contaminate japanese franchises who cares i dont buy western games so whats the problem here, if /v dont like homosexual abominations do not buy western games your life will be easier instead of seething

this, fpbp, and /thread

if they have a cow girl fetish, i'm fine with it

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you know damn well if Toys for Barafags fully resdesigned every character they'd all be bara bullshit

depends on the fetish to be honest, and how apparent it is

Depends. If it ever becomes uncomfortable to witness then they fucked up.
Making your weird fetish into an actual gameplay mechanic is always based though.

found the fag who plays Genshin for the twinks

>6 ears
retarded coomer

I have the exact same fetish. Modded Skyrim and Sims 4 have been ok. Conan Exiles was good for a while, especially on the ERP servers.

fpbp archive now

I'd fuck So Sorry's fat ass until he cried.

Uh, six?

There are 3 qualities I enjoy in fetish contend added to things that aren't just fetish fuel.
Honesty, Quality and Cohesion
It should look good, fit with the content of the media tone wise and the artist/writer should be honest about it.
Pic related is a good example, plenty of vore material in the show but it makes perfect sense since they fight giant monsters all the time or it's quickly used for comedic effect.

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sjws are just perverts trying to cover for their perversions though

you talk like perverts arent a critical component of all collaborative human creativity

Wish my fetishes were put into games more.

it's a yes or no thing, you can't say some artists are cringe and others are based because it happens to coincide with your particular fetishes
I mean for fucks sake do you guys not remember the new Fable trailer?

My brother

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Depends on the fetish and the game. Usually said fetishes nowadays are pretty degenerative, like something you'd see in the darker corners of DA, so I'd rather that shit stayed in mods, porn games and weebshit, where they're the primary selling point of each anyways. So unless it's just good tiddies + ratio I'd rather keep it that way.

I forgive Kole's case though, his primary character designs are perfect.