Would you play it Zig Forums?

Would you play it Zig Forums?

Attached: lego zelda.jpg (900x1264, 243.67K)

Only if it’s in the Zelda game style and not the TT Lego style

zelda games stopped being good since Wind waker

Yes, it'd likely be much like the original game, except the puzzles would be easier with freeplay and character swapping.

I'd much rather have Lego Pokémon or Lego Mario

I want Paper LoZ

or OR Paper Pokemon

Only kids play Lego shit. Grow the fuck up you fucking manchild.

No im not a fucking retarded manchild like you

Zelda is for trannies

Imagine getting a meltdown over LEGO

The latest Lego game I played was Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and it was fun. I'm not sure how they've updated the games since, other than ruining them with voice acting rather than the cute little pantomimes. It could be fun, though, it seems like Zelda could lend itself pretty well to that style of game.

>like Zelda
>dislike Legos
Probably would throw it in the trash next to Hyrule Warriors.

It would just be a normal Zelda game but lego-themed. So yes, the gimmick might be fun.

The only meltdown i see here is yours

It would be hella epic for the win

sure why not. i like how zelda is getting random spin offs like the warriors games and that rhythm game

God no.

Every single Lego game (at least from Star Wars onwards) is legitimately braindead. Absolutely zero depth or challenge anywhere, they're made for small children. Which is fine, but certain retards act like they're somehow great games.

Fuck yeah, it’s a TT Lego game plus zelda, it’s my childhood wrapped together. Also means we could get Lego zelda sets which I’m all up for

So Link would talk?

And to clarify they're more braindead than even the easiest Zelda game. They make Wind Waker look like the hardest game ever made.

>wisecracking cheesy link

Would be kino.

>Well, excuuuse me, Princess.

>Anons actually remember Timeless Tower
It still hurts, Zig Forumsros.

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They are fun to play with kids. I played the star wars ones with my boyfriends son.

user most AAA games are made for small children to be able to beat.

when I was a child games were hard to beat

They wouldn't make a game you numb nuts, they would just make sets. There's no Lego Mario the videogame or Lego Overwatch the video game.

If it's anything like the other 'Franchise' LEGO games, it'd be chock full of references and fanservice. And I enjoy getting pandered to in that respect, but the musou already did a lot of that for me, so it's really unnecessary.

please don't

My nephews give up almost immediately if they encounter any challenges at all in a game. Pisses me tf off, going to stop buying them games

I like the Lego games that actually allows you to build stuff.
The story based themepark ride collectathon lego games without building I've never enjoyed.

But yeah if they made like a drawn to life like game with legos copying OoT or some other classic that'd be pretty sick.

Link not having a nose bothers me more than it should.

>Kitsch Gaming
Thank you for asking, but I don't think I will.