What game in this picture, unironically deserves all of the hate it gets?

What game in this picture, unironically deserves all of the hate it gets?

Attached: sa1234.jpg (1270x1200, 603.14K)

GTA is pure trash

One of these things is not like the others.
Seriously, what the fuck? Why is it there? Who is praising this game?

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This list is lacking Zelda, Mario and Pokémon.

where's ocarina of time and mario galaxy?

Who is praising metriod over super metroid? This list seems completely arbitrary

Nah it's accurate
BOTW is the only garbage Zelda game. Everything else is good, aside from SS & TP. Which nobody ever talks about, so it's impossible for them to be overrated.
Mario is rated accurately, nobody calls them "Le best game ever made" you really only see Mario Bros 3 or Mario World get that kind of praise nowadays
Literally nobody has ever thought Pokemon was good

Living in your head rent free

Attached: leastoverrated.jpg (1270x1200, 614.21K)

How can you overrate a game that's already 10/10?

I'm glad FF7 is where it fucking belongs, that's all I care about

Overrated means = Hype doesn't live up to the actual reception towards it
It doesn't mean = The more universally beloved it is, the more overrated the game is

Final Fantasy
There has unironincally never been a good game in that entire franchise.

Still coping after 3 years huh?

I literally bought BOTW on day one, if i didn't like Zelda i wouldn't criticize a genuinely mediocre game since i would praise it for being a empty open world game with nothing to do with Zelda

Damn. It must be hard being delusional.

How is the original Bioshock on this list and not Bioshock Infinite? There is nothing wrong with the first two, whereas Infinite is a picture-perfect example of gaming critics' collu$ion when the budget is big enough.

Even the universally detested Silent Hill HD Collection got decent reviews, and even a nine from IGN. The only real critics nowadays are the independent channels on YouTube.

I know, I didn't have to enter this thread . . . but is there anything more pointless and boring than negative threads like this?

No, there isn't. Grow an imagination, Zig Forums, develop some enthusiasm. When you roll in shit all the time, you smell like shit. You FEEL like shit. Everything becomes shit since you can't see past the shit in your eyes. Fun disappears. Where is it? It's buried, corroding under under all your reeking, acidic shit.

>metroid nes
Who the fuck is talking up NES Metroid of all games these days? It's a clunky piece of shit that forces you to spend 10 minutes grinding just to continue from a password

The Last of Us
The Witcher 3
God of War 2005
Half Life 2

Breath of the Wild
GTA VCLittle Big Planet

>overrated garbage
Resident Evil

I'd say Sonic. Every single game in the series is garbage. It is very amusing to see the fan base cry about how Game Grumps sullied its reputation, as if it hasn't been laughing stock for decades

Ocarina of Time is one of those games where you go back and play it now and it's still pretty fucking good even for a game from 1998. You can't do the same with a game like Half-Life 2 without seeing how underwhelming it is as a first person shooter.

Pacing is underrated in terms of how people view games, it's the single most important aspect of a game, whereas graphics have no relevance to quality. people will right off games because of graphics rather than judging the other aspects of it. OOT has the best pacing out of any game aside from maybe Resident Evil 4, and it shows since it's infinitely replayable and never gets old. ALTTP is also like this

add chrono trigger to this list.

every single one of them except maybe metroid NES because no one gave a shit about it by the time these overrated rankings came out , maybe LA noire too hardly anyone cares about it

this too, ESPECIALLY fucking pokemon

>BOTW is the only garbage Zelda game
WW is BotW but worse in every way

>highest amount of "best music" awards
>highest RPG ever
>second only to OoT as best game of all time
>no overrated ratings

the only games that deserve praise on that list are Resident Evil and Silent Hill

Nope, BOTW is unarguably the worst in the series
>No dungeons
>No story
>No enemy variety
>No bosses
>No side content
>No music
>No progression
>No Overworld content
>Same rehashed boss the entire game
>Same rehashed Shrine throughout the entire overworld
>No incentive to replay it
It's Assassin Creed with a Zelda skin

the only good thing about ffvii is the atmosphere in midgar
its a shit game overall

They knew exactly what they were doing with the remake, this is why they only remade midgar first

Two worst entries on the list are Final Fantasy 7 and Halo. FF is a cringe anime caricature with dogshit run of the mill jrpg "gameplay", Halo is an act of vandalism against first person shooters that put the whole genre into coma for a decade.

Attached: f86.jpg (1064x1306, 597.03K)

>no mario or pokemon
lmfao just lmfao at whatever smoothbrain made this image

this except all in wind waker too but worse. Story is irrelevant in zelda

>It's TP-kun again
Oh, opinion invalidated

Right now
Lbp is based


only liked because it helped propel the most autistic community in PC gaming, sourceniggers

Mario 64 had one appearence, that's the only Mario that was on one of these

TP is like my 5th favorite zelda