You earnestly believe you can defeat me?

You earnestly believe you can defeat me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>use all-divide and all my revive items
i'll win the fight but not the cutscene

>Demon Fang -> Heavy Tiger Blade spam in the corner

I'll do well, until I realize I forgot to restock on orange and pineapple gels.

Do you get anything from beating him?

an early ex crystal and a slightly different cutscene

That's neat.

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>Zig Forums
>being earnest
lmaoing my ass off

Is this a Tales of thread? If so, I've been thinking of playing Zestiria. About how long is it?


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Kratos was so cool that he became a super boss in Vesperia.

Anyone else like Legendia? I played Phantasia first, symphonia, legendia, Abyss, then the rest of the PSX ones. For whatever reason Legendia was one of my favorites.

>literally a deadbeat dad clinging to “the good ol’ days”

I played through vesperia last year, wtf? is it difficult to access? I thought I accomplished most of the game aside from spiral draco

I like the aesthetic of legendia but i've only heard bad things about it


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In his defense, he did look for Lloyd and Noishe but couldn't find anything

It's one of the shortest Tales games. Like 30-35 hours or something if you've played one of the titles before.


It's a genuinely rushed, half baked and clunky game, but it's also my favorite Tales Of game for its presentation, gameplay, and plot when it isn't chopping up important bits via the character quests.

Here Zig Forums, I made you some nice hot coffee!

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>playing this on GC when it came out
>knew something was off when Kratos said "dont die Lloyd" and then disappears the next morning
>have to fight Remiel without Kratos and then have to face Kratos and suddenly another angel
What a ride.
Raine and Genis could never look up at the magic.

Wasnt all divide useless against bosses in the HD versions? Or was useless to just Abyssion?

I'm playing through Vesperia right now. They fucking nailed the environments, holy shit. Really elevates the game imo, a damn shame they dropped this style for whatever reason.

Thanks user it's nice and warm!

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best girl from the entire series

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I think it might be because it was the same team that made symphonia and abyss which all had similar artstyles, not sure if that specific team went on to make another game in the series

How can Colette or Raine compete with this?

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Why was the sequel so fucking awful? It literally ruined my Christmas.

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I've heard rumors that it wasn't initially planned as a sequel to symphonia and that it was intended to be it's own thing but I can't find anything to back that up

Mithos did nothing wrong

Great track but I prefer this one:

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He was a delusional sisterfucker