Which way western man?

Which way western man?

Attached: Cyberpunk.png (960x960, 667.01K)

what's up with those ugly color schemes

what GTA V DLC is this?

Im not gonna be able to wear cool armor in this game aren't I?

None. This game is aids.


Why does mutt femV look cute here?

Pic related but with 4 robo arms, corpo hit man

Attached: 9C807DBE-0EAD-42A1-B660-EE45A62E814F.jpg (1500x2000, 446.46K)

Gonna make a tight melee futa corpo


what does it matter you can't even see your character

Which faction will allow me to look the most like Robocop?

Attached: robocop-700x500[1].jpg (700x500, 70.46K)

If corporations run the world, you'd be doing yourself a disservice not joining one

I would bet any amount of money the game constantly tries to guilt you for picking Corpo.

Don't care. I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077.

Attached: im-still-buying-cyberpunk-2077.png (4734x6127, 288.17K)

>t. Witcher 1 UI fan

Cyberpunk 2020 has a class that is literally Cop. You could get cybered up and spend your time wasting cylons.

None of the above, because the game is going to be shit.

But that's Cyberpunk 2020, an RPG. We're talking about Cyberpunk 2077, a shitty game

From those who have played it already.
There are cyberpsycho squad random encounters and bounty hunts in exploring.

Will the game run will with i5-7500, 970, 16g rammies, or will it be more smooth on PS4. Some games run smooth as butter on my PC and some games are stuttering nightmares of suck. Will Cyberguy be ok?

Fuck 'em, still going Corpo.

Nomad is reddit so corpo or street kid.

Playthrough 1: Nomad
Playthrough 2: Street Kid
Playthrough 3 Corp

If I'm going to be honest, ehhhhh , I probably won't have time for 3 playthroughs

2020 Yes, But this dogshit 2077 game barely has anything.
Yet another Shooter with slight customization options and a couple of dialog choices that calls itself an RPG.

Do a sysreq check yourself

It's above min, but I've played other games above min sys req, and met the same stuttering fate. CoD MW for example.

Some corps are better than others, just like some gangs are worse than others. At the end of the day you're still working for the man and that isn't cyberpunk at all.

Where's the little girl option?

>working for the man
Not if you are the man

Thank God its a FPS

Attached: nice models.png (960x960, 640.46K)

Nomad first


Attached: 1574461739889.png (500x590, 5.48K)

>this user dad's face
>right before he eats his butt out before bed

Anything but corpo is cringe

t. leftist

>Fallout nv with only one fleshed out ending and the same ending is good though

nomad or corpo for a first run, wont be able to decide until I'm in char select.

The person in the middle looks bogged

I still can't believe CD Projekt Red managed to fuck not only just the girl's face, but the dude's face as well. He looks like some male stripper now.

Synthcoke seller, I require your strongest synthcokes.

GTA Human Revolution.

damn those are some ugly ass characters
gta online looking ass

straight cis male corpo