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For me, its Dragons Dogma.
I just could not get into that game for the fucking life of me.

>always do the opposite of what Zig Forums says

Shenmue. Not even back then did I like Shenmue.

>Monster Hunter not in the list
>God Hand not in the list
>TWEWY not in the list
>Mario 64 not in the list
>Zelda OOC not in the list

I have yet to read a Zig Forums-core visual novel that actually has good writing

Monster hunter was on there
God Hand was on there
This is SonyGaf so this board has a obsession with shitting on anything Mario & OOT at every opportunity

Played everything on there except Witcher 1 & Stalker. The only one i remotely thought was decent was Persona 3 when i first played it, but when i revisited it in 2020 it was unplayable.

>persona 3 and 5 on the list but not persona 4
p4chads where you at

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Games with the least amount of votes
>Thief II
>Doom 1993
>Legend of Dragoon
>Silent Hill 2
>Thief Dark Project
>Gothic II
>Crash Bandicoot 4
>System Shock 2
>Silent Hill
>God Hand
>Dwarf Fortress
>Deus Ex

>playing a game because some retard on the internet told you to

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animal crossing for me

GTA V, because my copy of the game on 360 had a bug where one of the missions consistently softlocked every time. Nothing would fix it. Haven't bought anything from Rockstar since.

That being said, the only games I played on that list are 13, 18, 21, 23, 24, and 29, and I love all of them except GTA.

>Monster Hunter not in the list


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>Stalker #4
This place has become a total gorilla nigger shithole

> Shenmue

I bet you got the ending where Nozomi leaves didn't you queerbait

If you dislike Dragon's Dogma, you need to go back to redit.



Nah it’s shit

Here's a 3x3 of the worst of the worst

I just didn't have fun

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Nigger the sonyfags were spamming it for years unironically trying to argue that it was a good game and that it had some hidden gem multiplayer.

Spec ops the line is such a piece of shit I'm still mad

>retards got filtered by STALKER

Another win for Death Stranding, one of the best games ever released.

where are deus ex and dmc1

>no monster hunter world.
That's the only game where Zig Forums failed me

Grow a taste OP

The typical Zig Forums contrarian list.
>All games are bad because they're popular. Not my japanese hentai graphic novel, that's a work of art and a true game for gamers. Dark Souls? The Witcher 3? Pfff literally the WORST games everrrrr.

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>That's the only game where Zig Forums failed me
you've probably only played like 2 Zig Forumscore games then

Good list except for
>Hollow Knight
probably people who got filtered
>Half-Life 2
>Dark souls
>Fallout 2
the rest is indeed garbage

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