This is THE WORST map in any online multiplayer shooter, prove me wrong

This is THE WORST map in any online multiplayer shooter, prove me wrong.

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turbine's not bad, it's just simple and too small for 24-person servers. It plays fine in 6s.


That's wrong, you don't play 6s, the map is shit competitive play turbine_pro

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No its the only good ctf map for 6s. Ctf is just bad for tf2

it's decent.
.t sniper main

Junction is unironically my favorite tf2 map, what does that say about me?

CTF is awful for TF2 in general, payload is CTF but fine tuned to the game for casual and comp due to inherent mechanics, nobody plays vanilla turbine in 6s, maybe highlander shitters sure

turbine is fun as fuck.

It's fun for bullshit mindless skirmishes if you just sorta wanna dick around. Really not all that great for actually playing the objective

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That's not even the worst map in TF2

More like the best map
Unless you're a fag that caps on ctf

Map rotation is why I stopped playing splat1 and why I didn't buy splat2. You reach a point where you turn the game on, the only maps open for the next 2 hours are maps you hate, and then you turn the game off.

2Fort is so painfully bad it's actually impressive anyone can design an official map so bad.

You meant to post 2fort, right?

Behold, the perfect TF2 map.

Attached: POsjUbC.jpg (1920x1080, 320.95K)

>the only good ctf map

Hahah, I've gotten probably 500 hours on 2fort alone, what makes YOU guys hate it so much?

2fort isn't void of creative map design and not full of crowded and narrow hallways

>game has sniper weapons
>no map for snipers
Any of those.

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Doublecross is a good sniper playground

CTF is the best gamemode

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turbine center is less a map and more a sort of zen squeese-ball but with w instead of a ball

you're bad at rocketjumping

you are bad at rocket jumping

hi, I'm the best multiplayer map of all time

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plr_pipeline sucks

i really miss old tf2
i don't know what half the fucking guns do now nor do i give a shit i always played with the default loadouts

stock weapons are still considered the best, aside from some melee weapons.

you appreciate maps with a concise visual theme

also even if junction plays like crap it's one of the nicer looking maps in the game

>the best
>Steamroll first 5 points
>20 minutes on last
Hell no

>Start up TF2
>Join a random 2fort server
>Go engi
>Sentry at courtyard, dispenser near the front entrance, teleporter to enemy sewers.
>Put my spray on the wall as if I'm hanging up my favorite picture.
>Rancho Relaxo and spend hours just casually conversating with the other autists.

I've been doing it for 13 years now. It's practically my virtual home at this point.

People have said before that having the intel go back as soon as someone touches it would make CTF better, but that would just make 24 player lobbies stall even more.
Is there any way that CTF would work in TF2?

CTF in general is trash if there is an engineer type class that slows things down.

Also, I'd argue 2fort is worse since ONE well placed sentry denies access to the flag

People will argue that it's bad due to Engineer stacking on last, but Dustbowl will always be one of my go-to maps for just relaxing with some TF2, alongside 2Fort, Process, Granary, Upward, Gravel Pit, Steel, and Powerhouse. Just really fun maps that let you play around with pretty much anything.

I love and hate dustbowl so much, it can either be really fun or an absolute nightmare, the maps either last 5 min or almost a full hour and if you're on blu on the last map and red has more than 3 engies you're basically fucked and should just give up, unless you have a coordinated team with 2 medics to help you destroy the sentry nests which never happens in casual

I've enjoyed it, therefore you are wrong.

perfect for direct hit solly

I never got why people play engineer, I know it's important and useful but I always found playing engineer to be boring

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>CTF in general is trash if there is an engineer type class that slows things down.
The problem is that if theres no engie on each team theres always some faggot scout capturing the intel and making the match last 2 mins, the people end up leaving the sv and that piece of shit that capped leaves to go ruin another match

>nooooooooooooo you cant play the objective
I always cap as fast as possible to upset people like you

Sometimes the team just needs it and I like to win
A well placed teleporter does more for the win than any other class