>water and ice are separate elements

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Why does that trigger you

cause ice is just really cold water I guess.
Wonder why people don't get upset when lava is a separate one despite it just being hot stone

ice isnt really the element itself, it's just cooler to say. "ice" magic would be literally lowering the temperature to deadly levels in a concentrated area, just like fire is just increasing it.

water shouldn't even be an element, it is not even dangerous

*drowns you*

Its physically impossible for humans to drown

can't splash someone with water and make them drown. ice you can stab it into someone.

*Cuts you open*

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>water and ice are separate elements
I mean, have you seen the "mystical" elemental standards of ancient cultures (and modern rural china)? Earth and metal are separate on 90% of them, and so on. They didn't know wtf was happening, clouds were god farts for all they knew.

>he doesn't know

>"non elemental" element

why don't you just chill

Okay you fucking retard, I'm gonna throw 1L of water at your face then I'm gonna throw a 1kg block of ice at your face. Then you'll understand the difference

The chinese "elements" had water and ice as separate, and also had wood and metal as elements too.

blame china

but they're the same substance

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all of the elements are composed of matter, so by your logic theyre all the same

With clearly different effects, so they're separate.

Water can have pressures high enough to remove skin , it can scald your skin off i mean it is pretty nice to have

sand and rocks also have different effects but they're always both earth element

In what game?

ok so the rpg elements in order of how cool/based they are
>monk chi

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water is very uncool

you guys are not getting my point.
>throw rock at someone it hurts
>throw icicle at someone it hurts
>throw electric at someone they get shocked
>throw fire at someone they get burned
>throw water at someone they get wet
nwo you see my point?

Not only are they not always combined into one - pokemon comes to mind - but sand and rock are the exact same substance with the exact same energy unless you wanna go into entropic bullshit. But freezing something involves manipulation of its thermal heat and the energy it possesses.

What wack-ass RPG have you played that has love as a magic element?

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>throw air at someone he gets ???
assumption that elements should be dangerous in normal conditions is wrong

but magic isn't like splashing someone with the water
you can simply create bubble of water around opponent's head and watch him drown

Magic systems in games are usually quite lazy and uninspired.

>fire and ice is merged into one element as energy

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>throw gravity at someone and nothing happens because it's shit in every game