ITT: Amazing games that most normalfags haven’t played

ITT: Amazing games that most normalfags haven’t played

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>Amazing game
No. It was a mediocre game with a great atmosphere and terrible combat.

Underrated game from HAL.

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survival horror games aren't supposed to have good combat.

Not an amazing game but Pandora's Tower is thoroughly entertaining throughout the entire thing. Best Zelda dungeons I played.

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Amazing is a stretch. I put it in the same category as Rule of Rose or Crystar - it has pretty much everything going for it except for the actual gameplay.

Panzer Dragoon Saga

I literally slept over that. If I remembered correctly, I was on some abandoned hospital and dozed off my on my couch.

Motion controls suck

>Got spoiled on the true ending
>Lose all interest to play

it went downhill in the second half, sewers section was incredibly dull.
Still pretty comfy game.

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It's certainly slow and tedious at times but it's also an emotional gut punch if you stick through it. Weirdly enough, it's also basically anime TLoU 4 years before TLoU existed.

Fatal Frame. Either normies never played it or critics got filtered by if. But they are the best horror games ever made and Fatal Frame is up with Zelda in terms of GOAT franchises since it doesn’t have a single bad game

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>it’s meant to be shit

Agreed, but Fatal Frame definitely has a hurdle to cross. Its atmosphere is potent and the gameplay doesn't give a fuck if your nerves are frayed, it still demands decent reflexes to actually get anywhere in combat. It's a god tier mix of atmosphere and gameplay if you can hack it but I definitely get why it has both the reputation and lack of sales that it does.

>it doesn’t have a single bad game

True but I fucking hated what 5 did to a certain character. It drove me nuts figuring out what they were aiming for and apparently it came from some writer who thought he knew what the fans wanted and convinced the director Makoto Shibata to give the go ahead with forcing Miku in there and the ghost incest plot.

Even the Japanese fans, lovers of incest hated this.

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The more recent games have tried diversifying the brand to middling results but the first 3 proper games are all top shelf 2D platforming. Simple mechanics with a high skill ceiling and an emphasis on experimentation make it more rewarding the more time you spend with it.

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Also fun fact I guess but Suda 51 got involved with Fatal Frame 4 because his wife is a huge fan of the series even if he himself doesn't really like horror games (or horror movies, 1 of the two)

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Of course Suda would marry a woman with good taste. Didn't she also push him into video games since he had a job as an undertaker or something like that?

I wish I liked this game so much but I just can't stand how it controls for the life of me.

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Most of the Wii library.

Yeah, counting the whole bunch of games that for some reason never got official translations, the Wii is full of hidden gems.

Apparently so.

Not really a game but a mod. Despite the horrible voice acting, it's 100% certified kino

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It's okay user, I know that feel. I love everything about pic related except for how fucking bad I am at using my environment to fight enemies. I don't hate the game, I'm just awful at it.

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Never played the game but fell in love with this song a few years ago.
>8 years ago

I got it a few weeks ago but got caught up in some other games but man, it’s perfect for me since I love the ocean/ocean life

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I actually like Ys 8 more

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I have a hard time getting into Ys 8. I'm just not into the whole lost island deal. 9 looks WAY more my speed.

My gf used to play this while i was falling asleep. I never slept so well in my life.



I don't know if it is because I was going through some rough times, but the scene where PF's batteries die out is probably the thing that hit me the hardest in any videogame, ever.

Not 10/10 wud fug but more fun than the boxart and graphics initially make you believe

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