R8 my installed games

R8 my installed games
ITT: Show your installed games

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>chinese spyware
You're not even trying.

Do you have fun? If not format your hard drive

>unironically installing chinese spyware

>Girl's Frontline


>Genshin Impact


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>Spamming le ebin buzzword is funneh guise!

Kill yourself. GFL is based.

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yes but chink impact is cringe

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What do you play on discord?

This is true.

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Those aren't games.

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>Yurinigger thinks his opinions matter

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I had more but removed them for more space

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china already owns Canada, Aus, large portion of Africa, E.Europe... and soon USA.
You won't be able to escape "chinese spyware" because everything will become one

Weeb/10. plz remove yourself from the world at your earliest possible convenience.

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Did you pay for Nostalgia.NES?

>Azur Land
>Genshit Impact
>War Thunder
omega cringe
>Endless Space

horatio/10 taste user.

>only 6/7

Do me next

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>legacy of kain
>max payne
>sim city 4

All good so far


0/10 user try again

fair enough, i've only played it twice anyway, mostly pretending to be divorced aussie jocks with my mates

You get bonus points for Total Annihilation though. I wish Planetary Annihilation turned out better than it did.

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>hellgate and dungeon siege
do you watch ross's game dungeon per chance

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You can keep your games in steam library you know?

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Squad and Tarkov with my friends

get out

I only did this to show non steam games.
>Visual novels
What kind?

Wait why does Genshin Impact need to be run as administrator?

so that mr shin bing ding ging bong clong dong bong wucka chucka oo ee oo ah ah ting tang wolla wolla bing bang can spy on you and find out your porn habits through extensive memory scanning

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This plus wonderful everyday and maggot baits after.

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bold to post that next to a facebook filename

i like to live dangerously

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