Destiny 2

Downloaded this game as something fun to play in between college lectures. Thought it would be fun to boot this game up and shoot a few aliens but it is so boring am I doing something wrong? I have been doing patrols in the European Dead Zone but literally every mission is way to easy, where are the actual story missions or hard boss fights?
I also have no idea who I am supposed to talk to in the hub area there are so many NPCs but most of their items are greyed out

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no, the game is just fucked, it has no guidance for new players, and it's not worth investing the time to learn honestly

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Game sucks bro its just a time vacuum with sunk cost fallacy game design.

new player shit will be reworked on november 10th

When they made it free it lost all the progression it had and instead they put you at the end of the base game's story and told you to fuck off and build up your light. It was horribly done and the story sucked, too.

Like you said, the game is far too easy and pvp was ruined by cheaters and DDoSers.

Only do patrols if you have a bounty/quest that tells you to. I'm pretty sure you can play the actual story missions by talking to Amanda Holliday in the tower hangar.

honestly wait until nov 10th before trying to play. supposedly they're revamping the introductory experience for new players, getting rid of a bunch of old shit. D2 originally had a nice introduction, believe anyone who says the New Light release fucked up a lot of stuff.

Go and speak to Amanda Holiday in the tower. She has all the main quest lines.

New light really screwed over new players

>am I doing something wrong?
Yes. To fix it you must first hold your breath for 5 minutes

Play Warframe instead

>same pointless bloated abomination that the devs don't know what to do with
>except the combat, Destiny's sole saving grace, feels shitty and is pointless because you just ninjaflip through maps
That seems like a poor advice.

I love new lightlets getting filtered

Game has shit story, shit PVP and shit gear progression. Some of the PVE content is good, great even, but most of it is getting vaulted.
But whatever you do, OP, do not do this

this game is dogshit, no servers, no anticheat. free to play. figure that out

>but most of it is getting vaulted.
What does that mean exactly?

It's a treadmill trying to trap you with fear of missing out, season to season.

There are 4 planets that are getting removed from the game, with their corresponding quests, exotic weapons, catalysts, etc. The Leviathan raid on Nessus is getting vaulted as well and so is the Scourge of the past raid on Earth. A lot of crucible modes are getting removed too, but no one gives a shit about PVP in this game. So new players won't have access to a shitton of content at the time the expansion launches.

Why the fuck are they removing content from their game? Live service shit was a fucking mistake

I played it with friend for a good 10 hours.
The campaign was so boring that I just started to talk about meaningless shit and just going through the motions.
I should be grateful I didn't waste any money on it.

They have the "muh lore" excuse, but they just don't want to maintain, tweak and balance all that shit when the expansion drops.

Aside from putting less on their plate as the expansion drops, if you put content on rotation, you got people coming back for what was out of rotation every time you rotate.

Worst possible time to start playing since the entire new player experience is being reworked in less than a week

I'm not sure about raids, but there's literally no point to planet-side content anyway. It's a boring timesink that doesn't amount to anything.

yup, it's fucked. I joined last year when it sent f2p and somehow managed to get into it purely because I love the way the PvP feels and like to create cool looking characters
The campaign was fuckin awful, pve in this game is unorthodox because you just have random enemies spawn in the room with you half the time. Not to mention You're over leveled as fuck for every campaign so it's a breeze (boring). The pve players are stuck in a loop of grinding gear to grind more gear, even though it's fairly easy to get what you want since stats don't mean that much in this game
Warframe is even worse

Talk to the girl in the hangar at the tower for the actual campaigns

there is no story its like vanilla wow you just roam and do random shit

I cant believe Bungie made this
its so awful


You need to go to the hangar in the tower and speak to Amanda to initiate the campaigns. You've only got one week left to do it because it's all getting cut when Beyond Light comes out.

It's so weird to think that from next week you could walk into a store, buy a copy Destiny 2 and not have access to the campaign.

The game's filesize is getting too big to manage. Even a simple patch takes a full day for Bungie to compile

>buy a copy Destiny 2
D2 has been f2p for almost a year now, I don't think you can even buy anything besides Forsaken/Shadowkeep unless you find a physical copy of D2, and even then I don't know that a physical copy of D2 comes with anything anymore.