Why haven't you bought jump force yet, user?

It has yoruichi now.

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Brown buttslut

I'll buy it once Namco learns how to price their shit.

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It's a shit game

They should have made it 2D.

You better köp it on the december sale them.

Is this real?

I get gamepass for free and I still won't download this garbage.

>Game is really worth 30€
>Set starting price as 60€
>Lower starting price by 50% on sale


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How is Switch port?

this game is still alive?

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Probably because I rented it once and it's one of the worst games I've ever played

Why does it look so fucking soulless

I fapped to her so much back in the day.

Shueisha found one of Christopher Hart's How to Draw Manga books and thought that it was what the baka gaijin liked.

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You have my attention... go on.

>buying generic bamco arena kusoge #301

I will now-
>that face
>those arms

Who the fuck is that ayy lmao to the right?

>that's supposed to be yuruichi
Japs were ahead of us by using heroforge in their games long ago

It doesn't have the Medaka Box duo and is generally a worse game than J-stars

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>Jump Force

Someone post the webms. You know which ones.

Where'd you get these pictures?

Mailing myself a piece of cow shit would be more enjoyable and worth my money than playing this game

I'd say it's wannabe realistic artstyle of the game, it looks like shit.

The only time I tried playing it, the absurd amount of motion blur made me physically ill.

>It has yoruichi now.
>used goods

>Medaka Box
Because it's

>game has half a cast of characters you don't know and won't care about
Great job marketing your cast of nobodies anyways