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See you in the recount

Haha fuck drumpf and fuck you, idiot

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Y'all wh*toids finna kneel

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Biden says he'll shut down Zig Forums bye guys


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But blumpf is raycis n orange!!

based Biden will finally free us from this shithole

He won Airizona, pa and if the fraud is beaten wi sconsin and michigan too. Don't believe fake news.

cope losers

no fucking way this is real

Yes. Tump is racist. And hes orange. Also he lost.

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can you handle two losses?

Both sides are cringe, desu.

wtf Americans

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It is. I live near that cat. Fucker ran over my sister in his fucking military jeep.

I blame this on certain nutjobs from /vg/, who had to jinx the man by making a thread about their cancer on Zig Forums.

Good riddance. Trump isn't one of us. We need actual heroes to change this world.

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Nice cope

>i-i-if I post a picture of an embarrassing liberal, I won... r-right??
>THIS IS YOU!! Oh-oh this isn't you! Well you're just a stacy!

WTF I love Biden now

Can you?

lol literal cope

The only good thing about this election, besides the fat retards seething, is the dollar getting weaker. A bit more and I'll finally buy my mouse.

Cope wh*teboi

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All it changes is that China's world domination comes a bit sooner than expected i guess.

God I'm so happy that Trump is gone many trannys will now take powerful positions.

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wow, that's fucking gay, faggot

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>Zig Forums on suicide watch
>maga retards slowly calming down and disappearing

waited 4 years for this, suck it up magafags

>democrats lose 2016
>republicans lose 2020

How are you people any difference? Do you have the self awareness to realize you're exactly like the 2016 leftists? NPCs.

MAGAbros, the Bidenchads are laughing at us again.....

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