AC Valhalla cosmetics leak

For all who cares:

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i seriously dont understand why they even still call this assassins creed. its nothing like the few first games. its not about being an assassin but about being more of a warrior. they ruined it and nobody gives a shit. im fucking sad.

Brand recognition.
That's why there's so many big AAA titles coming out these days, carrying a "classic" series' name, no matter that the overall design has no resemblance with the original games.
The younger folks will still buy it en-masse, and will start breaking the old fans' balls for even considering criticizing their new "masterpiece."

Because if the game's theme is inspired by historical events, that means it's close enough to use the well-known Assassin's Creed™ brand

>tfw Vinland Saga, A fucking manga, is more realistic than this game
Saw the intro and it's hilarious, the MC gets his neck chewed by a wolf, then timeskip hits and he/she has no scars on the neck

They don't care about the lore anymore since Ezio died.

I though the game was going to be shit and I'm still disappointed. Wtf

Maybe the faggots will stop pretending like they're revising history if they make it different enough from history.

give me a game with the aesthetics of the lower edit.
fuck facepainted, tatooed, tranny haircut, gay-loving, biker-clothes wearing, female vikangs and all it's (((historic))) depiction in games and media.

Looks okay I guess, good thing cheat engine can snatch all that for free.

what do i win?

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have you seen the interview with their art director Raphael Lacoste? It's sad really, because he is very passionate, but the philosophy seems to be "realism is boring and players don't want it, also we chose a horribly uninteresting setting, so we are going full viking fantasy mode to excuse as many out of place visual ideas as possible".

And I get that excitement and fun is important, but holy hell if it's not sad that they're not trying to push at least a bit of educational aspects in terms of what the world was really like back then. Seriously, they could make regular armor and weapons exciting - explain how they're made, what their significance is.. anything

Oh no, user.

A free diagnosis

Congratulations, you have autism.

Does succeeding the test means you're an autist?

Missed one


Why do I still buy these games? I should've stopped after Black Flag.

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no, you fail if you take the test and listen to internet strangers

It's like the 7 bridges puzzle...
Cross every bridge but cross each bridge just once

Attached: Leonhard-Euler-route-each-question-bridges-Swiss.jpg (1600x902, 643.46K)

>smashed through a wall with autism rage

Tell me where it says I can't, I dare you.

the rule is implied, an autist would not recognize an implied rule

there is no winning in this puzzle, just give up

Attached: bridges done.png (1600x902, 836.26K)

living in your own little world huh?
good for you

You see limitations, I see possibilities.
This is why you'll never amount to anything.

You might be Covid positive for that one.

Unbisoft games are so damn soulless