

What's the difference?

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vancian casting

sorcerer sounds cooler

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What about magician?

Wizards have to study magic and prepare their spells, but sorcerers intuitively use magic and are more likely to form pacts with demons or other magical beings.

ask dnd

wizard practices wizardry
sorcerer practices sorcery
magician practices....?
Thus I conclude that magician is a stupid word and should only be used in the context of david blaine

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Wizards learn it
Sorcerers are born with it
Warlocks make a pact for it


sorcerers have sex

Wizard is wise.
Sorcerer comes from a source.

One is an old virgin with dusty tomes, the other is a CHAd that wills things into existence

It's the same thing. It's like cougar, puma, panther, mountain lion. All the same shit with different names depending on where they are.


Sorcerers are chads that get their powers from having good genes and being charismatic

Wizards are turboautists who spend their entire lives learning magic, and thus draw their power from their virginity

Magic? You utter retard?

Doctor Strange compared to Raven from Teen Titans

Wizards learn their magic through study. They are bookish types that put a lot of time into understanding the arcane. They aren't born with magic powers.

Sorcerers are for most of the time BORN with magical powers. They do not need to study or learn their magic at all, it comes to them naturally.

oh yeah

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Don't kill yourself after typing that.

I hope somebody still lives you!

Wizard: smart guy who casts spells with the power of his brain

Sorcerer: ego-driven narcissist who casts spells with the power of his self-fellatio and fart sniffing

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Here you go!!! A handy guide!

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reddit but true

Cool definition but where do you have it from?

I don't know if there's a difference in folklore or whatever but in DnD wizards study magic and sorcerers have it innately.

what about magicians

So it's reversed from Harry Potter

Wizard is a nerd hunchback, sorcerer is an alpha male who never touched a book in his life.

Where is it from?

they're all magicians

Cheap parlor tricks that can be explained.

They're all magicians

Harry Potter can fuck itself.
Why do you even mention it you fucking retard reddîtor

I guess, I don't remember much from those movies

Thats why Sorcerers dont use inteligence when they roll for magic and instead they use charisma. Wizards roll Inteligence because muh nerds.


magic comes from hat

>an alpha male who never touched a book in his life.
Literally me

That would be cleric though. Warlock didn't really exist, or at least wasn't commonplace prior to 4e so fuck that shit

Pacts are for witches and warlocks

>you will never take a succubus (male) cock and get cool magic
why live?

you're only going to get the d&d version of it because that's what everyone uses
different settings have different explanations
i've even seen it to where the wizard was born with it and the sorcerer is an int god

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Wizard = Robe wearing fireball flinging faggot

Sorcerer = Armor wearing chad that could beat you in a fistfight as well as create a firestorm so big it would consume your whole party

Different planar beings

Wizards = Black Mages
Sorcerers = Red Mages
Warlocks = Summoners

mage >>>>>>>>>>>> shit > wizard = sorcerer


Why would you ever play a wizard then

mage is just the general term for anyone who uses arcane magic, no?

You dont

So wizards dabs on the chosen one trope?

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Magic comes from (you)

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Clerics and Paladins aren't in a "pact" they worship their deity and are deemed worthy of power. A paladin's oath is formed out of resolve, not a bargain with a deity.
Warlocks patrons are demons, devils, fae, etc. That aren't gods but are able to grant magic in return for some contract.

Meanwhile in Pathfinder

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A witch practices witchcraft\potion craftsmanship
A necromancer practices necromancy\resurrections
A thaumaturgist practices wonderworking
An illusionist practices conjury\legerdemain\trickery

Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder

haven't played it but 2h fighter seems interesting