Why is this considered an inferior port? I personally find it better than the n64 version in basically every way

Why is this considered an inferior port? I personally find it better than the n64 version in basically every way.

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no soul

soul is a meme

Most people agree OOT3D was a good port, its MM3D that people dislike.
The only real gripes against OOT are nitpicks like the hint gossip stone in the temple of time.

what people didn't like about MM3D? I thought it was good too, although I haven't played it much.

I'm currently emulating MM3D and loving it
>but some textures with triforces
ehh get over it

It's a damn near perfect remake in my opinion. It takes what existed in the N64 version and improved upon it while keeping the core elements in tact.

Attached: 1589088998639.jpg (520x473, 47.06K)

they will mention the graphics and brightness, and probably post comparison images, without ever considering the fact that OOT3D was made for the tiny 3ds screen, so if they didnt change the brightness in certain areas you, quite literally, would not have been able to see a fucking thing

Entire mechanics and physics have been changed to make the entire game less enjoyable. Just fucking look at the zora swimming or the deku acceleration.

It's alright, like I said get over it

this is the logical, normal position to take. MM3D is perfectly fine. but prepare for the literal spergs to come in here sperging out about every little thing and screeching about "soul"(whatever that is)

It isn’t. Souyl fags are just retarded.
>muh tree
>muh slightly brighter cutscene

lmao. the deku acceleration is unnoticeable and really does not affect the game, zora swimming is fine, and you dont even need to use it outside of like 2 areas

You can love whatever you want nobody here really gives a shit my dude. This is about proper ports, which MM3D objectively isn't.

They're just afraid their precious N64 original will be forgotten, it's cute really

OoT has a handful of graphical changes but overall is better than the original because they stayed faithful to the source material while trying to make the in-game graphics look like the original concept art. Iirc outside of controls the only gameplay change they made was turning iron boots into a normal item, which was an objectively good decision.
MM still has improved graphics, but instead of making them look like the original concept art they just used the same art style as OoT3D again, though this isn't what makes it bad.
The issue with MM3D is all of the gameplay changes they made. Making Zora swimming use magic and gimping the deku hop are straight up bad changes, and there were also some things that make zero sense like moving the bank in clock town. I mean why? What fucking purpose was there? It isn't bad but why would they go out of their way to change that of all things? They gimped most of the bosses as well. Why add a stupid fucking eye to every boss? It was retarded.
Also being able to make a permanent save at any time takes away a lot of the tension from the original game.
>b-b-but muh handheld!
You still have to make your way to an owl statue to save, so it changes nothing in that regard. At the very least they should've given you an option when you start the game.
The only good change MM3D was the bomber's notebook.

sure bud

Yeah, I also don't need to play the shitty 3DS demake.

OoT3D was a great remake. MM was a shit game anyway, who cares...

I'm pretty sure twinmold having a second stage (that had to be bug fixed in the restoration patch) isn't a "subjective" difference. It is quite literally an easy to quantify difference from the source.
You might actually be retarded if you think otherwise.

The only thing that really bothered me was the casualisation of the bosses. It's impossible to lose to them now

Did the original game have any semblance of difficulty?

literally got rid of the very idea the game was based on

it's great. turn on 3d on a n3ds and it looks nice

Yeah, it had at least the challenge of detecting the weak spots instead of fucking shoving them in your face with huge ass eyeballs

Several things but they are almost all fixed with this patch restoration.zora.re/
Although OOT3D and MM3D both used the original source code MM3D changed way more gameplay related stuff for no good reason
OOT3D changed hardly any and is primarily just a visual change

Yes. Definitely changed things with the goal in mind to make them less enjoyable. I bet you hated the magic sail they added to windwaker too.

The original majoras mask is often cited as the hardest 3D zelda, take that for what you will.

Yeah but being able to swim as a Zora felt incredible. Getting the mask, going into the water, and just having this utter power fantasy moment was one of the highlights of the series. Having it tied to magic now pretty much ensures people won't take much pleasure in using it, and will be really conservative when they have to.
Doesn't matter anyway, Project Restoration fixed it.

So all the negative shit about MM3D that I'm seeing in this thread sounds like shit that Nintendo changed due to feedback on the original game.

Anyone that feels discomfort, anger, fear etc. If any of that is happening when you look, think about and especially play a port, you may be experiencing "unheimlich". Because you used to equivalently live there and now it has changed into something unfamiliar.
Just an interesting thought about the people dwelling on SOUL vs SOULLESS.

It's not considered inferior except for a Zig Forumsincel Zig Forumsocal minority

Basically, yeah. People complained that it was hard so the new one is ape-level of difficulty and even a 5 yo can play it

you're full of shit. people just wanted a good remake that kept what was important about the original. notice how people who love the original celebrate the project restoration mod, and now use that as their go-to? it has nothing to do with the 64 version being on the 64, it's about the remake not being faithful to why the original is as revered as it is.

Unironically what do you mean by this? Doubt you can come up with a non retarded answer anyways

It's not, it's objectively better.

It's Majoras Mask 3D people have understandable issues with.

>moving the bank in clock town. I mean why? What fucking purpose was there?
So when you warp back to Clock Town to save rupees before turning back time you don't have to load West Clock Town each time, instead the bank is right there next to the owl
>Also being able to make a permanent save at any time takes away a lot of the tension from the original game.
There are more save points in 3D but you can't save at any time.

you can now savescum. that one feature changes everything, and destroys the tension you feel during the cycle. the save system, whether you love it or hate it (there's rarely an in between) IS majora's mask.

Not as a gamer adult, but as a 5 year old child yes it did.

Aside from "it's not the original", which is perfectly valid desu, it's an acceptable substitute. MM is an upgrade

Sounds like a solid improvement to keep it in line with all the other Zelda titles other than the first one and the second one, which doesn't count

I remember I dropped it when I ran out of time in the Stone Tower when I was 12


The farm ranch level maybe?

How does it play emulated?
I never played the originals and hate the usual chugging framerates of N64 games. Also I hear there are fan patches to fix some of the stuff with MM?

n64 fans are some of the most pathetic people here, ignore them