>Basically Gray Mann's team
>They wear blue

Attached: Heavy-Robot1.png (816x900, 448.57K)

it confused the playtesters to have both red and blu on the same side and they tried to kill their own teammates.
so yeah, add it to the pile of things ruined by braindead npc testers

this is actually real not a shitpost, let that sink in for a moment.....

>Valve's playtester
Not surprising

Never knew that. Interesting.

Valve needs to learn when to fucking ignore the retards who playtest their games.

One of the worst things in the industry.

This one is almost worse than the guy who go lost in a circle in ep2.
They're fucking robots, the entire point is to shoot robots. How in the fuck did they get "shoot the humans" out of that?

Would joining either one of these teams warrant a bonus or would it just be mechanical?
There is great potential for "cooperative PvP" there where everyone on each team (consisting of 3 players) can't hit eachother, but compete for a highscore on the same map.

Are these the same play testers that got confused in the antlion den in HL2: EP2?

cuz in tf2 u shoots da humens

You can see this in real time on the halloween maps when a boss appears and retards try to fight through the truce

Those are just Gibuses though, right? Most people with any actual experience know better

What the fuck

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>truce starts
>f2p retards still keep shooting each other for minutes without dealing any damage
>they realize something's wrong when the boss is almost dead

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That would be a great idea if implemented correctly.

I think that would be pretty reasonable.

In TF2's main mode, silhouettes and color schemes are so strong (even with the ass cosmetics) that you end up relying a lot of them. If you reflexively shoot a guy of a different color, chances are that's a good call.
I'm sure you've also noticed that when a autobalances mid-match people sometimes shoot their team mates because it takes a little while for their brain to readjust.

It's not a big deal to relearn team colors if you hop into or out of a MannVS mode, but it's an even smaller deal to just stay consistent with team color conventions and paint the enemy one color (blue bots) and the players a different color (red players).

tbf there was no truce when i used to play and people liked to piss off others during the fight

in MvM its never in question who you should be shooting, because the hoard of marching robots never stops and is always shooting you.
If you're in that situation, and your gut reaction is to shoot the guy next to you instead, you're just retarded.
>I'm sure you've also noticed that when a autobalances mid-match people sometimes shoot their team mates because it takes a little while for their brain to readjust.
No, I have not.

every once and a while when i load in to a map i didnt know/forgot had boss truce this happens to me
then i just keep fucking doing it while taunting and shooting

fuck the bosses

That's because they're the OFFENSIVE part of Gray Team, the real question is when someone makes an offensive MVM mode where you play as BLU team blowing up a robot base?

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Potato's already got one mission on steep where you do just that, guide the bomb carrier (a spy) as he goes through a horde of red robots

Oh really? I've been wanting that forever, I'll be sure to check it out

Yeah, shifting segregation is the mission name if I remember correctly

I think you don't realize the kind of person that plays TF2 and especially plays MvM. Most are dumb as fuck.

This, the number of retards who click on expert mode, get angry when I call them retards, then claim I can't criticize them because "it's their first time"


More like playtesters shot each other for a few seconds for fun and to check if they could kill each other, and their retarded handlers concluded the wrong thing

In the grand scheme of things, they aren't.
But in the context of companies that are too afraid to displease the playtesters. That's when it becomes a problem,
When they lose confidence in their own vision and trust blind people over their vision.

Why not just change RED and BLUE to be Purple instead?

Attached: consider the following.gif (500x385, 495.98K)

Because players can't cooperate unless they have clear warnings.
>ally has good color
>enemy has bad color
If you put two colors in the good side, their brain gets scrambled.

>check engie's upgrades
>dispenser's range maxed out by only one point

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