This is the future of the Final Fantasy series

This is the future of the Final Fantasy series...

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Looks great

I thought that was Dark Souls 2 from the thumbnail.

Why? You just winning a battle to come down to just comboing, timed dodges, and rapid firing magic?

And that's a good thing!

>try to appeal to westerners
>lose every ounce of SOUL you have

First time I couldn't care less about a FF game. Might as well be a witcher mod

>You just winning a battle to come down to
What did he mean by this?

better than turn based trash

combat looks better than Bloodborne

god I hate soulsfags.

Better than Project Laquisha

Didn't mention turn-based honey. 7R is what they should have used. It blended those two systems together great. You have the strategic elements of ATB/turn-based with real-time combat.

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How do you know that's not what they're using with a more sophisticated combat system?

I've yet to see a convincing argument as to why making the game actually good gameplay is a bad thing

>when you make another thread because the last one died without even hitting 100 posts

so this is the power of modern final fantasy...

>Flashy animations = good
And you guys say that's only why turn-based is considered good. Just because it satiates your ADHD doesn't mean it's good/better.

>How do you know that's not what they're using
It's clear that it's oriented towards action only. That's why they didn't show the UI.

It's going to come out.
Millions will buy it, myself included.
It's going to redefine the series.
SE will be raided, and Nomura will be strung up and paraded through the streets.

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Medieval FF is what we've needed

>You just winning a battle to come down to just comboing

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so a Dark Souls clone with churazy-lite combat?

No you dumb fuck, they didn't show the UI because the game is still early in development. Originally they didn't want to show gameplay at all but yoshi p decided showing some basic gameplay would be good just to prove they were working on a real video game.

THIS is your brain on turn-based combat

look at this ESL retard

based Tiktaalik bro


Looks kino as fuck.
But hopefully the combat isn't ruined by stats balancing like Automata was.

>a Dark Souls clone
How? Because of the medieval setting?


I the hope the theory that the main character is the FF villain of this world is true.


combat to an extent, but as I said with a churazy esque flair (but none of the complexity)
yep, sounds like a Souls game to me

>because the game is still early in development
They've been working on it for years now retard.
>Originally they didn't want to show gameplay at all but yoshi p decided showing some basic gameplay would be good just to prove they were working on a real video game.
You stupid fucker they literally never said that. What they said was the reason they didn't make the trailer pre-rendered was because they wanted to show the game was coming out at a reasonable time. Dumb fucker.

Ah yes when I look at pic related I think Dark souls

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Final Souls

Honestly looks like Dark Souls but with DMC gameplay.