Drawn to Life: Two Realms

You absolutely cannot make this shit up. This is the first video that plays on Steam.

Attached: first trailer.png (617x494, 450.72K)

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I hope this isn't a shitty cash grab because the first two Drawn to Lifes were the shit

its a shitty micro transaction ridden chinese rip off, but will be fun nonetheless.

What is your point OP? I don't understand

most likely, I just hope they don't shit on the lore in return

sauce on there being microtransactions? didn't see any in the trailer or on the steam page

Game is a sequel to the second game

>The story continues! Now that Mike is awake, a new human world is revealed. Travel between the Raposa and Human towns to uncover the mystery of the shadow and save Mike and his friends. The full cast of Raposa return, along with brand new characters to interact with!

Apparently some of the old devs and DAVID J FUCKING FRANCO (Original games composer for those who don't know) are back. That's great to hear.

they're gonna blow it, arent they

Didn't everyone get erased at the end of the second game when Mike woke up?

Attached: 1604586110626.jpg (1280x964, 86.09K)

that's what was implied. guess it's being retconned somehow, or we're going full inception

chng chong letters in ching chong gaym's trailer

I'm also guessing they're going to throw out all the religious references, or somehow incorporate them again?

Is that chinese? Oh fuck... Then we know what to expect

chinese and japanese use mostly the same alphabet because the japs stole it from the chinks way back when

It was already retconned in a later print run of the game where the other world keeps existing.

Wasn't the world still erased in the reprint?

Finally!!! I was waiting for a new game ever since The Next Chapter was released!

If so, it was just said in an interview. I remember that it's not a new idea.

you mean the retconned ending? not only does the wiki says it's not the canon one (drawntolife.fandom.com/wiki/Real_Life)
but it shouldn't have changed the effect on the raposa world, nothing indicates it kept existing rather than disappeared. I think the most intresting thing in the trailer is that according to the wiki "In the game, the left side of Heather’s face is covered in Shadow. This directly correlates to the bandaged side of Heather’s face in real life. Since the Raposa Heather's face is no longer half-Shadowed once Wilfre is defeated once and for all, one can assume that this indicates she will make a full recovery in Real Life as well." Yet we see heather has the half shadow face in the trailer again.

>It was already retconned in a later print run of the game where the other world keeps existing.
It wasn't. The only change was that instead of a car crash with his parent dying Mike just fell of a tree and no one died.
Here is the changed ending: youtube.com/watch?v=3TMl8queV_k

>he can't differentiate mainland 簡体字 from japanese 旧字体・新字体
eop moment

there are differences in usage, yes, but most of the alphabet is the same. that was my point. thank you for confirming it by using the same alphabet for different languages.


okay, "symbol library".
happy now?

"Uncover the mystery of the Shadow"
So is the villain not wilfre this time? Could be neat.

Attached: Capture.png (603x342, 375.2K)

WIlfre is dead, so yeah, new villain

I mean he's dead in the non-canon wii game, but that also takes place before drawn to life. wiki says his grave is in another game by the same devs, but he's still alive at the end of drawn to live, or at least as alive as the other characters, so i think he's just gonna be in raposa form and the shadow is leaving him or whatever desu

so did they retcon the next chapter because we see her face without the shadow in that game.

Attached: heather.png (351x375, 164.03K)

The new villain probably re-shadows her is my guess.

>WIlfre is dead
Maybe not, when you beat him him The Next Chapter and see his defeat animation he still has a very small bit of health left on his life bar, implying he didn't die.

Seeing that it's a sequel, you may be right