What do you hope for Shantae's future?

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Her games stop being so freaking expensive. And a fan porn game.


Did they fix the seven sirens loading times

I know what I want from them, but I don't know that they'll do it. Wayforward needs to polish up their core platforming. Shovel Knight soundly beat them in the tight platforming mechanics department.

Fuck off chubby user

i hope rottytops gets gigantic titties in the next game

What do you expect from a company that mostly produces licensed shovelware like Bakugan?

Yacht Club are all former Wayforward members, so I expect that much from them too.

I hope every Shantae fan admits that they only like the series because of the character designs. the games themselves are shallow and suck ass. get some taste and play better Metroidvanias, for fuck sake.

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Waiting on Circle Of Purity to fulfill my wish.
Also, to stop making his girls so obese.

for Shantae to get in Smash. just kidding.
I'd argue that the fever-pitch of people wanting her in Smash has passed. just like how there was a period of time where Bandana Waddle Dee fans were *really* vocal, but then they fizzled out.

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>the games themselves are shallow and suck ass
Half Genie Hero was painfully shallow. the other shantae games are decent, nothing amazing

Spotted the fag

After a medieval life-time of nothing but slim, fit, petite, conventionally attractive women fucking me around and leaving me with kids, at 30 my dick will literally only respond to plump, warm and motherly women like this.
I haven't decided if I have a problem

thick thursday btw

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What's with the abundance of overweight Shantae art?
Is it just because she's dark skinned and a belly dancer?


>chubby belly

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Give us a fucking Shantae rhythm game focused on dancing already

They just need to go back to the pixel art and make games like Pirate's Curse, which tbqh was MUCH better than the last two that came out. The new artstyle isn't terrible but I much prefer the pixelated look, since it gets rid of that "flash game" feeling the newer ones have.

a shantae game that plays like bayo

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That she bears my children

it's because wamu is god-tier at making chubsters, and a "Belly"dancer is the best way to go about it

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Hasn't fizzled for me! Shantae for Smash!!

I'll keep rooting for her there're no dlc slots left!

Also fuck all you fatfags ruining her

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rotten things

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what if you like both

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>Shovel Knight soundly beat them in the tight platforming mechanics department.
Sure but it was still a mediocre game.

Then have segregated threads so I can masturbate properly w/o being subconsciously trained to arousal from obesity

inconspicuous shantae thread

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Sounds like it's too late for you anyways.