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Filename thread.

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How has America gotten to the point where candidates kick and scream to halt the election when it isn’t going in their favor?

so who won?

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>check Zig Forums
>nobody cares that Trump is losing and all of them are larping as being Bidenfags despite screaming Trump 2020 for mo tha
What a bunch of posers, they don’t care about politics, they only just want to shitpost and larp

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The art design of that movie was stellar, but it was so fucking boring holy shit.

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she did

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He wants to stop because they are not letting republican poll watchers into polling stations you dunce

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The CCP.

Black people.

>Zig Forums

hello biden

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What is the based option, stop counting the votes or counting all of the votes?

Accelerationists. This is the most likely civil war route.

People who love drama

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You mean the obese retards causing a riot long after the voting time ended?

Cope harder

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yeah, that's definitely happening, and not the latest in an endless stream of conservacuck lies

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I like how people genuinely believe the Dems are just mass printing and filling out ballots to rig this without a single piece of actual evidence

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If you stop the count now Biden wins. If you keep counting Biden still wins, probably by an even larger margin.

This is everything I was hoping it would be. He's getting dragged out kicking and screaming while his cult cries.

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You just noticed?
The problem is these stupid kids don't realize just how hard they're fucking themselves over.

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The globalist won

The fact that the poll watchers have a political affiliation is what disqualified them to begin with
>let me, a special snowflake who gets triggered into a screeching rampage by anything negative about the politician I've tied my entire sense of self to, stand here with an open-carry gun with no training or education to oversee people who had to jump through hoops to qualify for what they're doing on a volunteer basis
There are plenty of poll watchers, none of them are Trump loyalists for a reason. Check your victim complex.

welcome to America, it doesn't matter what bullshit you say as long as you say it the loudest

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Love how Dems are somehow rigging the vote but still getting fucking blasted downballot.
Like, you really, really think they'd only rig the presidential vote but just get fucking owned in the congressional and senate races like this?

MAGAtards with guns are not poll watchers.

Jeb obviously

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>Zig Forums doesn't care about politics

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You are a fucking pedophile.

God this meme always makes me laugh.


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it's over lmao. look at this big fat mess

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You will never fit in.

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>heh fucking trump he doesn't want to count vote which legally should not be counted fucking sore loser
I wonder what you people are going to do if he loses, where is your personality going to come from next I wonder? Can't just base your entire life around hating the man anymore.

This was the natural outcome of Trump screaming FAKE NEWS EVERYONE AGAINST ME IS FAKE NEWS

His qult only listens to him.

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Neither. Fraudulent votes (which, lets be rational, are likely to be from multiple sides, and in non-significant numbers) should be discarded, then the remainder counted in full.

Trump’s fucked. Also Detroit is allowing dead people to vote. Tell me how is USA different than Africa?

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>without a single piece of actual evidence

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Don't (you) me you pedophilic filth. You're going by be hanged by a tree in less than a year.

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That's right nigger, give me those salty bitch tears.

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Relish the time we have left bro, still another day before Bidens win is called
It's been so much fun to see chuds whine and cry, fucking pussies can't take the L in stride

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but biden is a pedo, user

That isn't a child
Real children are disgusting


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>hordes of republicans screaming at the doors of poll counters demanding they stop counting votes because they "think" they're fraudulent and made up
Why didn't they rig 2016, or get the FUCKING senate in 2020 which is a huge deal?
>Well so they'd have plausible deniability of massive nationwide fraud there's no other explanation

This country is a joke

>not a single reply saying it
yeah I think we know who won

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Okay, genius; point out the fraudulent votes.

Post proof of dead people voting. any at all, lmfao

Everything that agrees with me was ordained by god
Everything that disagrees with me is a vicious conspiracy that specifically targets me or a group I identify with
People have lacked critical thinking skills for centuries. You can put the sum total wealth of human knowledge in their pocket but you can't teach them how to fucking read.

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It's hilarious how he's behaving like some sort of shitty Adam Sandler movie villain


Trump won.

What do you think will happen to the Q user fags?

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>legally should not be
Mail in votes are legal fucking retard how do you think Military overseas vote

god DAMN i can't wait for my government issued black gf

thank you based biden

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that's called grasping at straws son, cope harder


it's gotten to the point where they fabricate thousands of votes out of thin air

democrats just can't fucking manage to give a shit about politics. In my county of Georgia, there were 10 incumbent Republicans running unopposed.

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I like how people think only the side they dislike is doing it

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>implying the last 4 years have been great
>implying MAGAFAGGOT Trump has built the wall
>implying he has done anything other than the bidding of all the swamp rats
Glad he is being voted out. Cope fags.

Lol I didn't vote I don't give a fuck, but I am genuinely curious if you people will continue seething and obsessing over trump even after he is out of office, since its all that you have.


That's what happens when 80% of your population thinks that there is only one true, correct, sacred path and everything else is evil lies. Especially when about 35% of them treat it like a religion.

>hordes of republicans screaming at the doors of poll counters demanding they stop counting votes because they "think" they're fraudulent and made up

Incorrect, they were demanding the counters do their fucking jobs and stop stalling.

Nobody. Everybody loses. Biden, Biden supporters, Trump, Trump supporters, people who don't care and people not in the US all lost.

Liberal for cuck

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There's evidence, retards. Try to keep up.

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Nanachifag will NEVER be welcome in our bun threads, enjoy your stupid generic uninspired kemololi design cunt

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Does fapping to Yaoi porn also not make you a faggot? Youre a fucking pedophile and dangerous at that. You better hope that shit isnt illegal in your state, you can get years in prison for it.

the entire reason this website supported trump was because people based their entire personalities off of hating the gays and le evil sjws though. the whole pepe shit is an unironic cult

Literally anyone with half a brain can see a sudden spike of votes out of nowhere that are ONLY for one candidate is suspicious

even the japanese aren't buying it

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t. last 4 years of "muh Russian hackers" and rioting from niggers

Remember all the faggots saying “Trump 2020”? KEK

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Sounds like consolewars lmao

I hope orange man wins but if he loses you guys will finally realize how Zig Forums has become reddit when most people will support biden.

>came in after election day

Hey man we let the old vote and they're basically dead. If a corpse wants to rise and vote blue i say let 'em

The American system is archaic and full of loopholes. This year seems like one of the most fraudulent since its creation though, leading everybody to collapse.

God i just wanna see Reg hump the fluff off of that rabbit please god

:3 Maybe you should have voted, Trump really needed the help

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I'm neither, that is a strawman you pedophilic faggot. God I can't wait to shoot you sick faggots in the skull.

Name one besides Trump saying it. Dude is trying to stop military votes from oversears, c'mon man. Imagine is Obama was yelling on twitter STOP THE VOTE because military votes could flip a state. Jesus, he'd be thrown out of office

It's been horrible for over half a century, we're just seeing a further dip after the consecutive dips in the 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s.

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Needs a name

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Me, but I was going to win either way.
I wonder what Antifa will do now that Trump’s gone.

even the le chaos! goons have chilled out lmao

here's 1 example

counting time has not ended though

Death people resurrecting

>Daily reminder that if you didn't vote Biden/wipe the stem cells of an unborn fetus over your doorway, you will be culled in the chud holocaust

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>D.C. area
Yeah the district that historically leans 97% democrat. Epic scoop bro, this will turn the whole election on its head

You said the same thing in 2016 but with trump

>he says posting generic Zig Forumsbait """rabbit"""

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my stocks are going up, so me

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This is the first time I've ever knelt for lolishitters

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The media

well that's what trumptards did with clinton

shes still your president

shit bait

OMG just like videogames makes you violent!

>Arizona Informer
l m a o, just because it's some shitty website by some schizo in AR doesn't mean it's a credible source.

>most fraudulent since its creation
If anything it's a pretty fucking normal one. You want fraud, go look back at Nixon, Bush Sr and Obama.

Transchads ww@

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what stock?

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so democrats can count the votes and watch the process all they want but republicans cant? this is your brain on politics

there isn't a single study or shred of evidence that fapping to 2d lolis leads to real life pedophilia. cope

>no blue checkmark

That situation would never happen because republicans don't rig elections

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Yes, this was reported BY Fairfax County in FIFTEEN minutes and was a tech error. Holy shit have you ever worked with computers or do you just shitpost on one all day?

About the same as saying Russians rigged the election last time.


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>people first vote for a republican
>next four year they vote for a democrat
>next election they vote for a republican again
>then they vote for a democrat again
i will tell you what happen, people cote one side, then they see that the side didn’t delivered what they promised and then they starts voting for the next side. it ALWAYS happen

No, that has never really been the case. There are some boomers who base their personality around liking trump, but they don't know about pepe and shit, since they're boomers. The woke crowd is more of a cult, since they will try to destroy your life if you talk to someone not in it. Keep projecting.

Trump lost because he's a big fat loser
Nanachi is for roboshota cock
Bondrewd did nothing wrong

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what movie?

it's easy to control people when you create the words they talk. See also : "latinx".

Well the ones registered in names of people with impossible birthdates would be a good start to examine. Obviously neither myself nor the average person is able to currently know the total of these though, nor which candidate they were for, nor whether they can be explained by a technical issue.

That's a rabbit man. How do you confuse a person from a rabbit?

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When Republicans decided to have their candidate be a reality TV star instead of an actual politician.

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The right and left really are two sides of the same shekel

pedophilia is an attraction to irl kids you retard, your seething won't change the definition

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That would be Reagan and FDR, but okay.

It's called mail-in ballots and Trump specifically told his base not to do them

10/10 would get trolled by again

It's so sad. When dahnald was leading, pure maga shitposting. Now outta nowhere the riding with Biden scene came.

Just Trump.

Biden clearly is about to, its why Trump is melting down.

Fuck you America you've just DOOMED the WORLD!!!

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not american companies

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You aren't as unreasonable as I thought you would be. I agree with you.


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