Clunky and slow

>clunky and slow
>glorified version of god mode for casuals
>look ugly
>shoved in your face every opportunity
>partially rensponisble for ruining fallout 4 (one of the first missions just gives it to you en lets you do end game content)

fuck power armor

Attached: weakling armor.jpg (1920x1080, 136.83K)

Wrong on all accounts friendo

>Power armor feels clunky and slow
No shit, it's running on fucking hydraulic pistons and retrofuture 50s tech.

>Godmode for casuals
Not a fault of power armor as a concept.

>Look ugly
Shit taste pleb.

>shoved in your face every opportunity
>partially rensponisble for ruining fallout 4 (one of the first missions just gives it to you en lets you do end game content)
Not a fault of power armor as a concept.

I thought the power armor was one of the best things about 4. granted I was running around the whole game in that outfit you get from that old merc you hunt after in the beginning

>fallout 4
>endgame content

Unless you already know where to get cores you're not going to get much use out of the suit early game, it isn't even a full suit, you won't be able to mod it at all and the ammo type for the minigun you get doesn't even spawn until you're much higher level. This is hardly the first game to give you a brief taste of higher power stuff early on.

>Ouch! It hurts!
>Ouch! It keeps burning me when I put my hand on it!
>Ouch! Stupid oven range! This shouldn't be allowed to be so hot!
>Ouch! If only there was an easy solution to this problem!

Attached: kid-stove.jpg (306x392, 22.56K)

what other games got flanderized by a small bit of lore in favor of all it's original themes

>complaining about the only good thing to come from 4

The only part I'll grant you is it is shoved in your face constantly, like you find dozens of suits all over the wasteland, it doesn't make much sense lorewise unless Boston had a power armor factory or something.

I thought power armor was the best part of the game. Just needed more enemies with it and more raider power armor variety.

>clunky and slow / look ugly
it's suppose to be scifi 20th century secret military technology. not 2070 futurist tech.
>the other points
just "raping a franchise for cash" things. look back to the two original games.

Bethesda wish they had the technical capability to make a game with mechanics that are different from Morrowind.
Power armor is great but Bethesda is largely incompetent.

>Even muh Josh Sawyer says power armor looks and feels the way it's supposed to in F4
Get over it, the halloween costume power armor from F3 is outdated.

it does make sense though
you find armor at military checkpoints and in military bunkers because the army used it during the war and brought it to boston
the Xwhatever suit you find downtown with the sentry bot guard is a company that produces power armor but the factory isn't at that location

>fast and smooth combat
>enemies are tough but not lore-level tough
>lookin fine
>used to it
>fantastic game

same poster as
If the studio that made power armor: the game included L4D style multiplayer like they originally intended then it would have been much more successful.

Attached: space-marine-video-game-cover.jpg (800x1200, 198.88K)

I miss Space Marine's multiplayer.

I wore that suit forever and never took it off once, the game's item distribution center would put 1 of 2 boxes with 4 cores in every single building. So no, its still broken. The game needs a mod to remove cores from distribution. You can only buy them, or find them in generators.

The suit you get at Concord is a full suit of T-45 that just needs repaired, and there are a dozen cores littered around the North West.

>unplug fc
>power doesnt go out

fusion core is separate from the battery :^)

>>glorified version of god mode
The whole point of power armor is turning you to a fucking walking tank. While it might be bullshit to hand it out in the early game, making the armor actually perform isn't a bug.

The problem with Fallout 4 is in the writing and the blatant disregard of continuity and basic common sense.

What did you guys think about nuka world? I loved the feeling of being a wasteland warlord. gave me a reason to actually do the settlement building

>The problem with Bethesda is in the blatant disregard of basic common sense.

Why does everyone always complain that you get a suit at the beginning?
It’s the most degraded version of the weakest model in the game, and isn’t it missing a couple of limbs right out of the gate? Or is it just that some of the limbs start with low durability?
Either way, it’s a fucking junker, and at that point you’re probably too low level and have too few supplies to repair and modify it, and you certainly don’t have enough fusion cores to just start wearing it constantly.
This is pure manufactured outrage

Bethesda makes you a faction leader immediately and you still have to do everything manually

>It’s the most degraded version of the weakest model in the game
The T-45/A is still more protective than anything non-PA in the base game. It's only rivalled by an all Legendary Marine Armor set in Far Harbor.

>and isn’t it missing a couple of limbs right out of the gate?
No, a leg and arm are heavily damaged and usually break during the fight with the Deathclaw. But they can be repaired for x4 steel each, and steel is one of the most abundant resources next to wood.

I prefer playing 3/NV as sneak and sniper, so power armor historically isn't my cup of tea.
I didn't buy or play FO4 because it looked like shiny trash. The old games had serious stat penalties for power armor, doesn't look like that's the case here.

>how to know he's a 3D babby
Power armor was strong as fuck in 1 and 2. It got nerfed to shit in 3 and NV, at least 4 made power armor POWER armor again.

It’s more protective than other armor, maybe, but also effectively has two durability bars: the FC and it’s actual durability
It becomes useless without either, and at low levels you likely don’t have very many fusion cores, if any at all, and you probably also don’t have local leader level 2 to let you fix it at any settlement, meaning you have to go back to the gas station every time something breaks

>and at that point you’re probably too low level and have too few supplies to repair and modify it, and you certainly don’t have enough fusion cores to just start wearing it constantly.
I can assure you that if you've explored even a little bit and get the build down, you can start a new run, get that Concord suit and pretty much never need to leave your PA for anything except specific terminals or repairs.

>INT 9 for Nuclear Physicist
>LCK 2 for Scrounger
>Get the Repair Bobblehead from Corvega
With Nuclear Physicist at Lv1 and the Repair Bobblehead acquired at Corvega, your cores last 35% longer. Get it to Rank 2 at Lv14 and your cores last 60% longer. Don't sprint and your cores will last forever. By Lv24 It gets to the point where you can efficiently run a full suit of power armor and the Gatling Laser at the same time.

>fusion cores supposedly last for over 200 years
>actually run out in around 20 minutes

A junker tank is still a tank

how about you just play the game faget

I didn't even have to go that far, on my first blind run of 4, the game kept giving me fusion cores. every single "dungeon" had like 3 ammo boxes with 4 inside. I never once left the armor

Mildly hot take: Fallout 4 was the best implementation of Power Armor in the whole Fallout series. They went from a no brainer free "best armor" as they were in 3 and NV into something that required resources and more time to use. Fallout 4 Power Armor was one of the better things about the game, as it was kind of like a special piece of equipment you'd bring to certain areas. If you knew you were going to fight big monsters or assault a raider base, explore a heavily irradiated area and so on; then you'd bring your power armor.

holy shit I NEED a 4-player space marine sequel

Hey niggerfaggot, builds after the first run are literally created on metagamed information.

Not to mention if you take lockpick you find fusion cores in basically every locked basement.

Attached: 1544552497116.jpg (500x508, 67.14K)

At least you finally had the option to say "fuck you" and initiate Open Season.

What is this argument? That if you minmax in a fucking Bethesda game then you’ll be OP?
Of course, I mean this has always been the case in these games, like alchemy in Skyrim and so on.
This isn’t unique to the PA in the museum

It has effective stat penalties because it voids any bonuses you get from non-PA armor you’re wearing.
It also makes stealth non-viable

Why the fuck would you ever play F4 more than once?

>look ugly
shit taste. T-51 looks great

Attached: t51.jpg (1024x576, 185.35K)

Basically everything Todd does is ruined by the 'bullet sponge' bullet
>Next level armor plays the same but has more hp
>Upgrade gives more damage
>Next level sword plays the same as the last but gives more damage

Can those retards be creative for once?

>and at low levels you likely don’t have very many fusion cores
There are literally about a dozen in the North West of the map. It doesn't matter what direction you go in, if you don't just ignore shit you will find cores.

>x1 under the Red Rocket
>x1 in the Museum of Freedom
>x1 under Concord, in the sewers
>x2/x3 at the Robot Disposal Ground
>x1 in USAF Satellite Station Olivia
>x1 in the suit on the train by Tenpines Bluff
>x1 at Starlight Drive-In
>x1 Federal Ration Stockpile

>You were in the vault for around 200 years
>Every fusion core in the game is close to the end of their life
That or they decayed over time even when not in use, which happens to conventional batteries IRL.

>the player accumulates so many fusion cores it basically lasts over 200 years
it's a gameplay thing

>Behtesda Fallout
>Its shit
Wow what a revelation