Do it for her

do it for her

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I did

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Was there ever an ending where Chloe and Max go lesbian for each other?

You mean having abusive sex until she gets to experience the joy of teenage pregnancy?

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yes. you can choose to kiss Chloe at the end, and choose to save Chloe

It's actually canon they end together

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Shit game

No, i dont think i will

That's a man

I would do her

>save thousands of people or one lesbo cunt
gee what a choice

Always did, always will.

it's not, only happens if you sacrifice Arcadia Bay, there's never gonna be a "canon" one


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>whole game is about you saving blue haired cunt
>cancel whole game premise by saving some shitty town you don't even give a fuck
will do it for her

Based, fuck blue haired dykes


chloe x max x ellie x dina foursome crossover when

>some shitty town you don't even give a fuck

I give more of a fuck about the town than Chloe's toxic ass

There is not a single word in this entire universe that could describe who much I hate Chloe.....Jesus Jeans we got it your father died yea it's sucks but HOLY SHIT GROW UP....your mom needs you more than ever and all this brat can do is act like a complete retard.

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you might aswell uninstall the game since all you do is keep her alive whole until the end where you get a choice

I could understand not sympathizing with Chloe, but how can you not empathize? There's like 8 hours of autsiticly detailed content going into her past and how her dad's death fucker her up. Plus the flashback sequence where her dad lives and Chloe's edge is reduced to a butter knife, she's a completely different person.
And that's not even going into Chloe from Before the Storm where she's the PC
I don't like Chloe either but 100% understand why Max loves her

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There is not a single word in this entire universe that could describe how much I want to have passionate sex with Chloe in her room an entire night long HOLY SHIT

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>pla.... watch Before the Storm
>Press Bitch to Win

bae > bay

you want me to sacrifice an entire town for one bitch who will take her rage out on me the next time something doesn't go her way?


holy fucking based

I like how this game tried so hard to make you care for someone who is a complete shitty human.

Kill you'reself.

People that had a rough go of it but then make a conscious effort to start trouble and make it everyone else's problem deserves no sympathy. Bitch you aren't the only person with a hard life. Think of people in 3rd world countries starving to death. Think of orphans with two dead parents.
Life is hard, you face hardship, it fucks you up. You're meant to grow as a person not fuck everyone else up around you

I will
>muders the entire town himself even before the tornado hits it

>pic is literally from LiS2
>comics show them together

>Think of people in 3rd world countries starving to death
Do you? In your daily life, when something bad happen to you, do you take a break and think "Wait, I cannot complain about the shit I'm going through because some random people from the other side of the globe get it worse?"
Stop being a fuckin hypocrite, you don't.

Retard, should a homeless 14 year old who ran away from abuse shut up because muh third world starving, are they suffering any less despite having it better? No shut up you are not as clever as you think you are
The third world is shit because third worlders are shit