What's the best/your favorite GTA game?

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Vice City

what were they thinking
what's next? an amv?

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How do you go from this...

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Yeah it was a bit jarring and out of nowhere but at least that plastic beach ending was cool.

to this

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I actually like the new art style but I'm not feeling these low budget music videos

I want to fuck Noodle


20 years and considering she hangs around murdoc probably a lot of drugs


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Made me nostalgic

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Who the fuck is Beck?

Being raised by 3 men. Also art style change, though I think they have been making her a little uglier now because in Humanz she still looked young and cute but in Pac Man she was ugleh

>the whole music video is just some GTAV footage
wew, hard times huh?

Pink Phantom and Desole were pretty solid for what they were.

I wish people drew all ages noodle more, porn wise.

>mfw they teleport to the plastic beach

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I think she's cute but different outfits are hit-and-miss.

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Yeah it's honestly pretty shit, most of it is mumble rap so these are really dark times for the band. The only salvageable one was maybe Aries and the one with Jack Black so that's saying a lot


I remember him from Futurama

Best track on Song machine: Aries
Worst track: Pac-Man.

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Jack Black was The Now Now
>these are really dark times for the band.
Song Machine is easily the best thing they've put out in a decade

Cyberpunk 2077

guys, are we getting the Rhinestone Eyes video reworked into The Lost Chord?

what a garbage take, aries AND pacman are the best tracks on the record

She was raised by two idiots and a literal psychopath.

Pac-Man is the best song you pleb. Worst is probably Friday 13th

don't fucking get my hopes up like that

that's a raceistophobic depiction of an mongool chink face

What would a Gorillaz game be like? I'm talking an actual one not that 19-2000 flash game. Rhythm game? Platformer?
Probably, though I don't see how corona would challenge something that's done in doors anyway unless there's a studio making these.
Russell wouldn't allow it, considering he almost beat the shit out of Murdoc in Aries

>Song Machine is easily the best thing they've put out in a decade
Plastic Beach, nigger. 2010 is within that decade.

Strange Timez*

oh you know what I meant.

I'm 50/50 on Pac Man, 2D part is kino but the feature is just cringe "muh coppers" "muh blm", same for pink phantom with the autotune nigger.

you'll love the next GTA

>two minutes of going nowhere with an annoying track going nowhere
>mediocre rap feat
>song over
Not buying it.

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Peak, and I do mean PEAK Noodle

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>6lack ruined what could’ve possibly been an amazing track
goddamn it

I laughed my ass off when I saw the ending of that music video. The underwater scene is literally the first things that pops up if you search for underwater stock footage lmao

There's a rhinestone eyes video? Is it a cancelled one like 5/4?

yes only a storyboard

Both DD and PB noodles are kino

>Damon stops trying to be a depressed cunt for once
>Album quality increases tenfold
We just need more animated portions and we are going to have a kino phase

We will keep getting low budget roger rabbit-type videos and you will like it.
I dont think a single song in this phase has been fully animated

At last, her time has come

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I agree with that depressed bit but do you really think mumble rap is any better than that?

Anyone else remember that old Gorillaz point-and-click game they made to promote Plastic Beach's story?

Shame they never really finished it.

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SA >> IV > VC >> V > III

SA is hands down the best GTA game, great story that had funny moments, but wasn't too over the top. Lots of things to do in the open world. Style.

Me choosing IV next is a bit controversial, it's not as good as SA because of the loss of features, but the story really holds it up.

VC is great, but a little dated. Story about you rising in power and great 80s miami feel. Great improvements over III.

I'd rank V lower than VC because as it does have a lot of stuff to do like in SA, the story isn't good, the characters aren't good. You only need to play it once, it's not awful.

I'd rank III last, not because it's bad, it's just the most dated. Not as much stuff to do as in the other games. Story isn't awful, but it is their first 3d gta game and it shows.

he's already started season 2 of song machine, the whole concept of phases might just cease to be

>mfw the kong studios site went down

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they've already kinda stopped being a thing. I mean would you seriously say humanz, the now now and song machine are all different "phases" despite being a year or two apart?

What if it's one big phase?

Came to this thread to find someone else with true kino taste. Good on you.