Is this game worth 38bucks, new & unused?

Is this game worth 38bucks, new & unused?

Attached: file.png (868x669, 1.49M)

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if you feel like it

No, you'll get 4-6 hours of gameplay out of it, which doesn't align with the target $1 or less per hour you should pay for games.

Game is great. Especially if you beat the original.

No it's 30fps in the overworld, just play DX for GBC

>you'll get 4-6 hours of gameplay out of it,

Stop talking utter fucking shit. Only an autistic speedrunner who knows the game inside out can finish it in that time.

Most first time playthroughs will be about 15 hours. And its endlessly replayable.

OP, Link's Awakening is one of the best fucking games of all time and the Switch remake takes an already 10/10 classic and makes it much better.

>it's 30fps in the overworld, just play DX for GBC

The GBC version goes to ZERO fps every couple of seconds when you leave the screen.

60fps with quick loading screens >>>>>>> 30fps with no loading screens

You're not going to convince anyone.

Widescreen support
Gameplay now scrolls
Tons of QoL improvements
New modes
New content
New quests
Can be swapped from TV to handheld

Link's Awakening remake on Switch is the definitive way to play this classic.

Damn son it took you 10 minutes to come up with that?

Don't act like it matters in a slow af game like LA.

We want the funko pop audience.

It probably won't get any cheaper than this, huh? I played the original of course, but I don't think it's fair to say "just play the OG and ignore this", 38€ for a first party nintendo title, might as well pull the trigger now

It doesn'r matter if it's fast or slow, 30fps feels like shit in any game that isn't turnbased

If you haven't played the original and you like top down zeldas, I think is wroth it, 60 is too much.

No. Just get BoTW

just emulate the DX version

Attached: nicolas-delort_zelda.jpg (1000x1500, 692.56K)

They look nothing like Funko Pops though.

Sorry I was busy jerking off to Link's Awakening.

good post

consider buying something for your gacha of choice instead

I finished my first play through in 9 hours. I was only missing out 2 heart containers to 100% the game.

The game is literally the EXACT same fucking shit as the GBC original, that's why I managed to beat it so fast despite it being over 15 years since I've played it. You're paying extra for the graphics
If you don't care about the graphics, then emulate the DX version. You can do it in less than 3 minutes

Why the fuck would anyone ever play the original over the Switch remake. There is no argument. The Switch verison is superior in every way.

not them but I want to play the game as it was originally intended and not something different created by a different team decades after the original came out
I haven't played Demon's Souls but if I was going to play any version it'd be the PS3 one over the PS5 despite the QoL stuff the remake has

If you ignore the price differences, it comes to taste, some people really hate the new look, and some people can't get into pixel art, I like both, so I may play DX again sometime or even the remake again at some point.

Hahahaha no
The switch remakes adds nothing new to the game and even goes as far as swapping a cool and memorable sidequest with a shitty dungeon rearranger minigame that gets old right at the tutorial. The only good addition was the ability to equip more stuff at the same time, which was still done like shit because you couldn't equip stuff to the dpad, so you'd be spending a lot of time opening the menu to change stuff anyway.
The one difference between both version is just the artstyle. The gameplay changes aren't enough to make the remake better since they're so minor. The biggest change that I recall is how you fight against those boar enemies, which only got more tedious than actually harder.

So, you have two options:
1. Pirate the DX version and emulate it in any emulator or buy it for a mere $5 on the 3DS eshop.
2. Buy or pirate like I didthe $60 switch version. OP found it for $40 which is still a massive fucking scam for a game that can be played on a literal web browser right fucking now

You're unironically just paying money for different graphics. That's it

Also, by playing DX, you'll have a way easier time jumping into the two oracle games since they play exactly the same way DX did.

Links Awakening DX is the greatest video game of all time.

I'd rather play the old one because it has a steady 60fps lol.

This shitty remake can't even hold 60fps despite how shitty it looks.

Also, why the hell does the new one have 8 way movement? Nintendo is just fucked.

Unless it got patched, it isn't the 30FPS that's the issue. It has bad frame stuttering.

>Widescreen support
>Gameplay now scrolls
What the fuck does that mean? There are still screen transitions in a 2019 game.
>Tons of QoL improvements
New modes
>OOOO a single mode that removed heart drops. Whoopie.
>New content
You mean a shitty dungeon rearrange with no point to it that no one plays.
>New quests
No there aren't.
>Can be swapped from TV to handheld
This isn't a point.

>The switch remakes adds nothing new to the game

>force analog stick (drift edition) usage in a game that is a 1:1 remake of a gameboy game
>only have 8 way moment anyway
>also fuck you for wanting to use the dpad

What the FUCK were they fucking thinking with this shit?
Oh right, they weren't thinking. They knew that they would get away with this turd, which they did

I ordered the game from Amazon in July. Its still inside the Amazon packaged. What is wrong with me?

I'd pay $15 for a physical copy of it.

Game is over 10 hours long you retard which is more than stuff like the RE2 remake kek

No photographer. Kill yourself

>I ordered the game from Amazon in July. Its still inside the Amazon packaged. What is wrong with me?

I have no idea. Don't you want to play a great video game?

>And its endlessly replayable.

>No photographer. Kill yourself

You don't need it. The game is so gorgeous you can literally just take screenshots.

You utter fool, the photographer was more than just for taking photos, he was a friend.


LA is one of those shitty nostalgia games people overrate the fuck out of it because they played it as kids.

Attached: file.png (1036x724, 1.63M)

Great argument.

I've played Link's Awakening every year like a traditional. Now I don't need to bother with shitty emulators anymore because I have this gorgeous deluxe remake.


Meaningless word.

WRONG it is objectively no worth $38 and ur a fukin cunt for even suggesting otherwise

What’s your favorite game?

>he doesn’t play the original on his gameboy SP

This is so true. Gold and Silver are fucking terrible games gameplay-wise, and it's definitely the most nostalgia-wanked gen.
>whoaaa... remember when u were a kid and reached kanto???
>wooah the battle with Red... so epik!!!
>muh goldenrod bleep blop music is better than the HGSS version!!

Lmao imagine seething at 20 year old games