ITT: Pleb filters

>ITT: Pleb filters

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Why bother mastering redstone when you could spend the same amount of time learning to be an irl electrician and get paid $40/hour?

i have never used redstone in minecraft and i never will

because building with redstone is fun and being an electrician is fucking horrible?

No it's not.

I win

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i don't play with redstone in other people's houses/businesses

>Master Redstone
>Learn there is something similar you can do in real life
>Go to pursue a career in irl Redstone mechanics
This is how a backstory is created user

We laugh at your sub 100 IQ

You also for get paid to play with redstone.

Making carbon copies of redstone things you see on YouTube does not make you a non-pleb. It also does not make you proficient at redstone.

Remove minecarts, remove redstone, stop adding dumb shit and make all updates for speed running
Then and only then will this game be good

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just go grab a knife and do an any% post-op transition


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It is.
I hate having to move around so much and talk to so many retards. I just want to lock myself up in some garage and fix shit.

this fucker, I just couldn't be bothered

t. pleb

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redstone just feels sorta lazy to me, I don't like how I have to alter my constructions to accommodate it. building in minecraft is already bulky as fuck with blocks, it's hard to find the initiative to hide a bunch of redstone circuitry for the sake of a gimmick here or there. larger machines can be fun to make but I think vanilla could stand to make improvements to make it friendlier to work with "around the house"

this desu. any job with any kind of customer contact is immediately shit.

That's why you get an apprentice and make him do all of the work

Meh. Apart from railways and traps, there's nothing really fun you can do with it.

I spent what must have been an two hours trying to optimize a hidden staircase with pistons and shit and then realized at the end that there are probably 10 year olds who can do the same thing in a few minutes

ok. does it make you happy to put your achievements down like that every time? and people here wonder why they have depression, holy fucking kek.

People have depression because the think that building some dumb shut in a children's game is an achievement. Actually do something with your life and you'll be fulfilled.

name three things in life that are worth something.


do americans really

Growing plans
My youtube waifu's ASMR

>nothing 2
>nothing 3
>improving yourself by learning an instrument
>socializing to improve your mood and chances at reproduction
>drinking a lot of water to stay regular

both are right but you gotta get gud to unlock the second set

Jackie Chan

Anything is worth something as long you get something out of it, time we'll spent is not time wasted, of course if that thing is jeopardizing yourself or others then you should take some time with reflection and look at the bigger picture.

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>chances at reproduction
putting more people on an already overpopulated planet, hecking sweet. at least its more consumers for the machine.

because these are literally 2 different things and one is done for fun while other is a work. Why would you shitpost on Zig Forums when you could spend the same amount of time learning how to write and make a best seller? lol just learn how to do thing and do it lol.

get a life

there's tonnes of space on the planet, resources are just mismanaged.
but take ">reproduce" as ">fug" if that's your preference

if I'm already happy playing video games, why invest time and energy suffering through the process of getting a social life I might not even enjoy? you do, thats fine and completely valid, but dont assume its part of living a good life per se.

based ameribro

yeh that's good too, not everyone likes everything
but for a lot of people, that's a meaningful use of their time, just like ham burgers

I'm referring more to where he said you need to "do something with your life to be fulfilled". I think that something can take many other forms besides social and professional success.

Hunger in UnReal World

oh yeah, I agree famalam.
some people get depressed because they don't do anything, but others are depressed even though they're doing everything right.

Because becoming an IRL electrician won't let me create an automatic farm in Minecraft retard.

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