Final Fantasy Legacy Collection

Square Enix is planning to announce a collection of Final Fantasy games called Final Fantasy Legacy Collection, it's a timed exclusive for Switch and will arrive to current and next gen consoles.

The games included are Final Fantasy I-VI including Final Fantasy IV: The After Years, each game is based on the current Steam ports of these games.

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Can’t wait to play V.

>based on the current Steam ports of these games.

>steam ports
So they're all garbage mobile shit

Is ffiv gonna be the remake or just the original remastered?

my penis has erected

>current Steam ports
>shitty MS paint sprites in V and VI
no fucking thank you

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FF2 doesn't have a PC port.

>each game is based on the current Steam ports of these games.

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>emulation is still the best option for old FF games

I have already triple dipped on each of these games. Can't keep buying the same shit over and over again and it's not like I'm even gonna play any of them again.

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I was excited until realizing it wasn't just ports with minor QoL changes.

So you're lying because I and II still don't have Steam ports.

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If Square were smart they'd put the following versions in:

FF1 - PS1 or GBA
FF2 - PS1 or GBA
FF3 - DS
FF4 - DS and PSP because why not

FFIX is getting a physical switch release.

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OP here

Final Fantasy I & II is based on the GBA port called Dawn of Souls

>downloaded this and FF7 on sale
>a week later physical versions get revealed


If true thank fuck, the 20th anniversary editions added some fuck awful content that should not be in the games.

You're lying again since it makes no sense what you're saying: to be in sync with Steam versions of V and VI (as in, the horrible mobile versions), the versions of I and II to take would be the PSP versions, wich were the ones ported on mobile. It's a literal lazy cash grab as opposed to refine/rework games with the GBA versions in mind, and Square has shown time and time again that they'll choose the easiest way out.
Fuck off and get help, OP, threads don't need to die for your mental masturbations.

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Emulate it, the PC version a SHIT

Why THE FUCK these companies choose to port the shitty mobile version instead of the original? I really wanted a DQ Collection on Switch, but then we got a fucking mobile port. Fucking hell, I actually started playing FF for the first time yesterday with the first game on PS1

Best Versions are
>FF1 - PSP
>FF2 - PSP
>FF3 - PSP
>FF4 - PSP
>FF5 - PS1
>FF6 - PS1

>steam ports

>FF1 and 2
lol no
labyrinth of time in FF1 PSP alone disqualifies them.
Also the load times on 5 and 6 for the PS1 are atrocious.

how can you even bear those loading times bro.

>smartphone ports
nah thx m8

>muh audio
Fixed in a fan patch. Squeenix could handle it easy.

Who the fuck did these mobile ports for Square? It can't have been in-house. Even so, why on fucking earth do they think this shit is acceptable, it's horrific.

>handheld port of a PC port of a mobile port of a handheld port of a console port

I didn't even notice that. Is it that bad? My only complain so far is that walking up and down is terrible because its slow af, but when you walk right or left, its pretty smooth and it just makes walking up and down even worse. Also the first boss was veeeeery lackluster and easy, but maybe it was a tutorial or something. I grinded until I got my white mage some spells and I didnt even got the chance to use them...

which game

Final Fantasy 1 for the PS1.

They aren't bad at all, stop talking shit about things you've never played.