First mission in prague

>first mission in prague
>go to bookstore
>head to objective marker
>armed guards surrounding the place
>ah no worries, ill just sneak around
>find ladder in next area
>climb it
>just get into someones apartment
>Jump on roof next to it
>Literally no purpose to do so
>Okay fuck it ill just go in the sewers
>get into sewers
>find some weird cult thing
>find a way to confront weird cult guy
>climb ladder
>impossible to sneak around the cameras
>find another way around one of the cameras
>get to the door
>cant unlock cause my hacking level is too low
>fine ill just go somewhere else
>go into a room where theres a puddle and everything is electrocuted
>turn off breaker
>jump up
>keypad disabled cause the breaker is off
>turn on breaker
>area above breaker magically becomes electrocuted too
>cant break the wall in the sewers
>only other way around is through an unstealthable police checkpoint complete with lasers and a million more guards then i have ammo for

what the fuck is wrong with this game? jesus christ this shit is terrible. im just going to actually replay a good game, like human revolution. fuck this shit even for 5 dollars.

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actually filtered by md of all games

Why would give a play by play of you being fucking clueless and expect anyone to go “yeah man that mission is actually impossible lmao”

Considering my only option at this point is to go guns blazing, this game is pretty shit as HR gives you a ton of variety in how you can tackle the missions

Maybe the problem isn't the game, maybe its your pisspoor problem solving ability. All of MD was too easy.

>All of MD was too easy
Oh yeah kind of like your mother huh you fucking ingrate

Thats not your only option. Did you put any fucking points into anything that wasn’t BANG BANG SHOOT GOOD. You can do all the shut your talking about without ever firing a shot.

Also if you actually fucking paid attention your supposed to find the cultists previous partner if you found the fucking poster.

Honestly this part is a little too difficult to do stealth/no-kill in a first playthrough. Criminal scum get bodybagged.

>wait a minute, that ladder...

I did a no-kill play through on my first go at the game. You have to be patient, watch enemy patrol routes, and be ready to punch the people who get in your way without being seen.

I can't put points into anything cause all my augs are fucked up and i have to go to the stupid ass bookstore to fix it

Actually, I remember now that I used the tranq gun to pick them all off here, so technically not killing.


I wonder what the solution could possibly fucking be.

your mother


I'm doing this faggy YT channel with vidya reviews and just got done with MD actually, good idea to post or no?

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I agree, it is impossible to sneak past.

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You can put points into shit. Go fucking look you dipshit. Your augs just reset and you can’t control all of them. You can put points into turning fucking invisible and just walking by everyone.

Fucking stupid zoomer.

You sound too dumb to even turn your console on, I don't know how you got here and are able to spell words.

What did you choose at the start of the game? If you picked guns, you're doing a kill run. Tranq/stun and you can no-kill subdue them.

New Deus Ex is trend following dogshit. Dishonored is the true successor to Deus Ex.

Clearly you are a retarded faggot. When I open up my aug tree, everything is red and glitchy because I have to go speak to this faggot thats impossible to get to. OBVIOUSLY if i could put aug points in then it would be easy as fuck but its not. sounds like you havent even played the game you're just a huge queer

It's very easy to stealth past the guards actually, what the FUCK are you talking about?

holy shit the influx of brainlets as of late is staggering , wtf is happening

Electricity is fucked in this game because the boxes fail to stack properly.

>OP is an assblasted faggot and gets shit on by everyone
my favorite kind of thread


Sony moviegames have eroded their brains. They can't play any games that don't play themselves

Was it your goal to make yourself look like a mouth breathing moron? You succeeded.

what a fucking idiot

Do it then. Provide proof or else I'll know you're just tryhards.

Okay I'll spell it out for you zoomie.

You can get past the checkpoint in one of two ways. One option is to spend two hours going through the whole side quest where you track down who's doing the forgeries, which will clear out the checkpoint. Otherwise, you can just sneak right over the checkpoint. Jump onto the archway in front of the checkpoint and climb into the empty apartment overhead. There's a vent or something that you can go through to get to the otherside. Viola, checkpoint is done.

The cult thing is another fucking side quest. It's actually kinda interesting too. But you're a fucking mongoloid if thought figuring out that situation had anything to do with getting into the bookstore. Next.

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I played the game just three months ago. I went fucking invisible and walked in through the top left window straight to the office.

So how about you eat shit.


OH SO YOU CANT READ EITHER, RETARD?? Cause there is no fucking office. There's just apartments and checkpoints and shit. Clearly you don't even know wtf i'm talking about and just wanna look like the cool guy, well guess what? you're a gigantic fat failure and your mother is ashamed of you. die.

I do it every time

Go up the billboard, go through some vents, end up on top of the archway in front of the main entrance, veer right, jump down, hack the control panel, go in the side way, go through vent in the bathroom, go a bit more, get to elevator

Don't get seen or interact with anyone

I liked it but i suck at sneaking but also at shooters so what i did every time i encountered enemies was to hide in the ventilation system and pull the enemies and shoot them one by one from out of the vents. Even the boss lol

Wait, are you guys talking about the fake checkpoint? There's literally a hole right next to one of the guards that lets you sneak right past them. What is all this "jump over archway" shit you guys are talking about?

Once you're in front of the bookstore, you have two major paths. Three if you count just killing all of the thugs.

Like how you got past the checkpoint, there's another archway you can climb up to that will let you go across a few ledges to get past some thugs. On one of the sides of the bookstore there's a small building you can drop into with a few thugs in it. Search around in that building to find a vent that leads into the bookstore.

If you can't find the ledges or don't feel comfortable with that path, you can still sneak around the thugs on the outside to get into either the side building or the bookstore. There's plenty of cover to sneak around just be patient.

The objective is to get into the office on the second floor. It's blocked by some broken bookcases you can crouch under. Otherwise, there's another vent somewhere on the first floor IIRC that you can sneak through. Once you're in the office, you're homeclear.

Literally just examine the fucking environment. There's vents everywhere.

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I personally just never trusted that hole. The AI is too wacky sometimes. Kinda immersion breaking too because they can clearly see you go INTO the hole, but as long as they don't spot you while you're in it you're fine.

Git Gud

Oh God you are talking about the checkpoint. You are even more retarded. Just go over it.

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>muh immersion
Well, there's your first problem, user.

sure ill get over it by refunding this stupid ass game get fucked

I fully embrace my vidya immersion autism.

What if I told you that I manually engage the front door lock in Jensen's apartment everytime I go to leave. I even exit through the window in the bathroom so that the panel on the outside stays red.

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