The only correct choice

The only correct choice

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I wanted to kill that fucking nigger


>No KYS option


bruh if you kill him, you will be just like him.

Too be fair Trevor was an annoying faggot
Michael was a cunt and Franklin was a bitch but Trevor was by far more the most annoying of the 3 by the end of the game

>playing the story mode

Kill Trevor, he's literally made for Joker loving faggot zoomie gamers

The first time i played the game i though option C would mean Franklin died so i picked Kill Trevor. Honestly everyone is just better off without him. The dude is a fucking menace to society and to everyone around him, he should be dead

kill that traitor michael of course

Kill Trevor was the canon choice, he's such a shitty character and completely misses the point of what makes GTA protagonists likable. That final scene is pretty kino too
The Kill Michael ending just seems like it was wedged in just to give players the illusion of choice. It's so unreal, like both Michael and Franklin turn into completely different people for no reason
The "Deathwish" ending is just the game jerking off the three protagonists as they all go around killing all the bad guys with no repercussions whatsoever and all of their problems magically disappear. That scene at the end where the three protagonists bade each other farewell is so just so cringe too.

Its always amazing to me how many people get filtered by Trevor. He's literally the only likeable, charismatic, and interesting character in the entire game, and yet Zig Forumsedditors are completely filtered by it. T literally did nothing wrong.

>seems Zig Forums is still seething about Trevor based Philips
I choose C and I would gladly choose D if I could kill Franklin, as Trevor Phillips that is.

Killing trevor is an act of mercy

This, 4channel of all fucking place, bitching and seething about Trevor. Yet ending C is canon, haha, Trevor haters BTFO!

Also fuck Johnny and fuck the Lost MC.

>thought thats what deathwish was
>it wasn't

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>getting filtered by gta 5 story

Why did they remove the option to kill Franklin? This moment would have had an impact if there wasn't a happy ending.

>can't kill the worst character in the game

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D: Deathwish but Franklin actually dies

The absolute state of nu/v/

>He doesn't know
Franklin is supposed to be the protagonist/self insert

Story mode is better than the shitty grindfest that is online. Spent 50 hours in singleplayer and couldn't play online for more than 4.

You can like Trevor, Hell I like Trevor, but my dude is literally a cannibalistic psychopathic homosexual. Like he just murders and manipulates people and then spergs out at michael for betraying him, when Trevor betrays everyone around him.

GTA VI takes place in Vice City.
GTA VI has 103 missions.
GTA VI had visible gangs.
GTA VI buyable properties.

Like who?
Except Wade, Flyod and maybe Ron?

Do they not count?

Michael was such a little bitch
Easy choice for me

Based. Even my 12 year old self was smart enough to make the decision to kill Trevor.
He was such a shit character.

franklin is the worst character, everyone agrees on this

I'd rather have Trevor in the game than a game where you play as Michael, the old retired guy that stopped robbing banks and buddies up with some random kid off the street for no reason other than he tried to steal your kid's car; that's way more compelling of a story than your cannibalistic narcissist ex-not-really-best-friend showing up on your doorstep thinking you were dead for over a decade and ruining your comfy depressing Hollywood Hills dream/nightmare.

Hell, the previous protagonist had to be tied to the Yugoslavian wars, you've got bombings, rape, kidnapping, etc. covered in the space of his story. The guy was a hardcore foil, maybe they leaned on it a little too hard but I'd rather have the Paleto Bay heist than 30 minutes of riding from point A to point B and back, kill a few guys, pick up an objective, drop it off at Gerald's house all whilst waxing philosophical about modern day gang violence in America and its effects on urban youth.

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>deleting a character from the game, therefore giving yourself less content

Yeah, what a great choice

Yes but they are weak bitches and wade and Ron stick with him anyway.

Dumb enough to play with less content and let the real bad guys win, kek.