World of Warcraft

You are trying the pre-patch, right Zig Forums? What have you got to lose?

The new Shadow Priest design is really fun.

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When does it start?

Nope, I've given up on wow since they announced Shadowlands and have been playing way better and more interesting games since then.
I feel no need to go back again, I'm cured.

ahahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHahahahaah.....not even once

I'll resub when blizzards stops sucking chicom dick.

Fuck yeah. Gonna start a KT monk Friday night and just grind low level dungeons, repeatedly wiping the group, vote kicking the healer with “trolling tank” as the reason then watch dumbasses struggle to remove me from the group due to Blizzshit’s horrible vote system.

WoWposting should be an instant ban

Explain to me why i should be playing this instead of having sex with 7 of my supermodel gfs?

I dont like blackwashed azeroth so no thanks

Got to 50, did some m+ and decided that I'm done with this game. Never been this apathetic about an expansion release that I'd skip it.


Agreed, a smash thread died for this.

Is druid fun?
Is affliction still utter garbage and no longer a mobility spec and still a "you're a turret like the fucking rest of the dps"

Not all heroes wear a cape . Keep it up user.

>no new class
>no new race
>half of Stormwind and other cities ncps are now niggers
>transgender identity politics inserted in the game
>removed a line of dialogue between Garrosh and Sylvanas because muh feminism
>world quests still in the game
>every class is boring
>Vulpera in the game
>still no playable Ogres
> ''Lore'' now about a few Azeroth TV personalities and their constant drama instead of focusing on the bigger picture

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mad :D

>get to level 50
>do dungeons
>get proper item level for heroics
>do heroics
>get proper item level for mythics
>do mythics continuously
>reach 130 ilevel

so thats.. plus minus 50-60 times doing the same 5-6 dungeons for items ? so you can... show you have a higher number ?

sure seems like a good game user

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I don't understand why they would invite people to play for free when there is nothing to do. The pre expansion event hasn't even started yet, but I remember the Legion one lasting for a very long time.

>caring about gearing right now when a new expac is a few weeks away

>new Shadow Priest design

name ONE game that isn't just killing the same enemies over and over to become stronger to continue on with the game until the end.

Black and white


The problem is those games tend to be 5 to 40 hours at most. Getting all geared out in WoW takes months and months.

Are ret pallies fun now? Whats the freshest melee if not?

so only true mobility caster is beast mastery hunter?

Wtf when did they have these? I’ve wanted to try against since wotlk

melee got cucked because of target cap. if you want any chance of being able to do high m+ content you have to be a rogue or dk


Not him but what about holy pala? Is it still a retarded melee healer or have we gone back to the comfy days of tank healing and stacking int to crit and return mana?

More like get into a friend's guild where you won't be kicked for being dead weight, then get carried until your gear reflects the other guild members.

Anyone can fill roles and Looking For Raid's item levels aren't even realistic for heroic raiding.

I was in a dead guild for years and wasn't able to raid because of all my friends leaving years ago.


hell yeah downloading 70gb of literal shit for 3 days
never fucking ever again blisard

i only resubbed for Classic, why would i want to try this

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>g-guys wow is doing great
>please play our game for free

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>Are ret pallies fun now?
Probably not. They've always had a hate boner for rets. All the smart pallies only played ret once the content was completed, they gathered enough off gear, and wanted to chill out.

I really like the change they made with Fresh Blood for fury warriors. Makes them way better to level and do solo/dungeon content.

current meta is crit but it's still melee proximity. I don't believe they changed the mastery for shadowlands so you'll be living in melee range. all healers are expected to dps anyway in m+ especially

The only WoW content I play is HotS. With them taking up half the heroes it still counts.

>smart pallies

Fuck. I loved playing holy paladin in Wotlk and in MoP it peaked. It was so much fun. When I went back to try out BfA it felt like an entirely different class.

Listen you either enjoy the grind and long term gratification of MMO's or you dont.
WoW has been pretty shit at this for like 8 years however.

my life because it will probably make me want to suicide

>come back for free
>classic excluded
>even though i originally owned vanilla
lol sad
>inb4 classic is different reeee

I'm not crying, just playing better games that respect my limited free time and engage me in meaningful ways.

Can't stand it. I have to tab target shit and then pop back over to click on a portrait to heal. I refuse to set up addons that need completely reset every 2 weeks. Gets old after 10 years.

Arcane is fairly mobile
so is Balance Druid