The Legend of Zelda is a metriodvania

The Legend of Zelda is a metriodvania

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I guess it is

I was thinking about this the other day, what features are essential for a metroidvania? Zelda def has upgrades and item specific progression, also the "ohhh i looped back here!!"

when do you backtrack?

I always imagined meteoidvanias as exclusively 2D sidescrollers/platformers

I'd argue the 2d with vertical movement is pretty core.

to get a heart piece you saw earlier but didn't have the right item(s) to acquire it

"Just got bombs, oh right back at that one part there were boulders, guess I'm going back there"

Metroid Prime

But Zelda came first, which means metroidvanias are actually Zelda-likes.

Yes of course you backtrack all the time, as in navigating the over world. You can not always enter points of interest but you sure as shit locate them.

Metroid Prime is not a metroidvania.

is a metroidprimeia

Is that considered backtracking if areas in the game are closely accessible? They're mostly wide open worlds and none of the arenas are blocked off from you... unlike Castlevania where specific parts of the stage are inaccessible without items. Not just dungeons, but entire sections of the castle.

That sounds like a disease.

3d zelda > 2d zelda

No it's a zeldalike

Dark Souls, however, is a metroidvania

Damn, it's almost like there certain sections of the map in Zelda games that are inaccessible without items or something

True but 2d zelda still rly good tho

If you think of the overworld as the "castle" it works, ALL of the dessert is locked behind having the longshot/horse in ocarina.

Yeah but backtracking is when you have to go B A C K. Not leave shit alone for twelve minutes. There's a difference between a dungeon being right next door to the key item required to open it and going halfway across Brinstar to pick up a Super Missile that you need to bring back to Norfair just to continue your percentage.

2D Platforming/Action
Large interconnected map with Progression Tied to Item Upgrades/Backtracking
RPG Mechanics

By definition, Metroid games are not Metroidvanias.

The term metroidvania comes from SotN, which was the first Castlevania game that was like Metroid. People saw the similarities and came up with the title, but "Metroidvania" as a genre is closer in "Like Symphony of the Night" than it is "Like Castlevania" or "Like Metroid"

it's rather specific.

there is 2D platforming in zelda 2 and also those sections in the gameboy games

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Thats why people who use the term metroidvania know nothing about a genre and what defines it. They are called adventure platformers, or exploration platformers. You cant use the name of a franchise to describe itself. Aka my favorite kinda music is Metallisabbath

>RPG Mechanics
>By definition, Metroid games are not Metroidvanias.
>The term metroidvania comes from SotN, which was the first Castlevania game that was like Metroid. People saw the similarities and came up with the title, but "Metroidvania" as a genre is closer in "Like Symphony of the Night" than it is "Like Castlevania" or "Like Metroid"

One important aspect to metroidvanias is the steady increase in power via upgrades.
Most of zeldas items are for solving puzzles, with a very very small handful actually improving your mobility and combat abilities (half of which just give you more options when you likely already had a better strong choice before).

People who are trying to describe music use other artists as examples all the time. Stop being autistic just because you don't like it.


metroid is horizontal zelda, you dopes

No, it's a Zeldalike.
And this is a Zeldalikelike.

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Most MetroKino threads are DYING before bump limit. This is a sign we should go to instead for that LudoVania fix!

That's stupid and not actually what most people mean by Metroidvania. The word is described by what most people use it to mean.
This is as rearded as saying that racism is "privilege plus power" when most of the population uses it to mean something else.
For the majority, Meroidvania just means "Plays like Metroid or the Metroidlike Castlevania games" now, and encompasses all games with an expansive world that gradually expands your roaming room with ability upgrades, requiring you to backtrack when you get new abilities that allow you to bypass obstacles you've already encountered, rather than having linear progression.

Does this mean Banjo Tooie is a metroidvania?

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>Not a platformer
>Dungeons are separate from each other and accessed from the overworld, as opposed to having an interconnected map
>Backtracking is minimal, mostly consists of boulders you can blow up and shit like that in towns, and is rarely necessary for progression

Yes it has similarities but it isn't a metroidvania by any stretch