Free game

Elite Dangerous will be free on the epic store

Attached: free elite.png (1080x416, 405.69K)

My pc will still be free of epic game launcher

i don't want chyna on my computer

Even humble offers better games now lol. WTF happened with Epic Store, did Apple lawsuit kill them for good?

all this cope HAHAHHA

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how much do they pay you

>still coping

Attached: 1601076461858.png (422x488, 306.24K)

>replying to bait a second time
So help me if you do it one more time

how much do they pay you


I dont know.
I need my space flight sim fix, and scam citizen will never release and even if it did I am not giving money to mr con artist.
So this is a perfect opportunity for me, as Elite is meaningless cracked.

I highly recommend Subnautica and its sequel if you want exploration of a strange world+vehicles

Fagnautica is not my type of game, and neither is No meme sky.

>he won't stop

>free game thread is on autosage

will it support VR?

oh nice, I had it on my wishlist, but didn't really want it enough to actually buy it desu

Where the fuck is red dragon?
Why they keep prosiming good games and then delete those

Yawn. Shillspam is back.

>Even humble offers better games now lol. WTF happened
better than elite dangerous? your cope is showing

Elite is unironically one of the best games ever made.
>tfw doing comfy salvage missions while marathoning The Expanse.

Attached: salvage.jpg (1920x1080, 445.85K)

>Literally nobody cares about the chink store any more
>Not even for muh free games
What went wrong, Epicbros?

isn't elite dangerous a pay to win game?

>a typing game

Thats Star Citizen.

Pay to win what? Another copy paste featureless planet?

Play X4

Is it anything but a complete and total cluster fuck yet?

The DLC used to win you pvp against base players with engineering but they include it in base version now.
However engineering is objectively shit to actually do so it's pay to grind until your fingers fall off so you can pray you have someone to shoot at and also pray that they didn't grind morning than you

It is in good direction. Problems: AI not fucking fixed still. Should be good after next 2 DLC


Why're you so desperate to shill, my dude?

>Shitty waste of hard drive space will be free


How much do they pay you?

Really wish they would add fucking categories for your game library.
The UI being minimalist isn't all bad but they definitely need a few more features. Like how can such a lucrative company still not have a shopping cart after years of complaints?

Keep saying it steamie.


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