Persona 5 Vanilla is better than Royal

>story additions in Royal are fanfic tier and take away from the original plot
>gameplay additions like the grappling hook don't really add anything
>overall easier experience, you don't need to grind and you're still gonna be overpowered by the time you reach the "true" final boss, to the point it's a non threat even in higher difficulties.
The only things I truly appreciate are the social skills and links related improvements, which made it less of a chore

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>videogame stories

Just leaving this here don;tt mind me

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The localization REALLY couldn’t have phrased it like
>It was right before Wakaba died... She told me, “I don’t think I have much time left.”

I haven't played Royal but the original plot is shit, there's nothing to "take away" from.

>Before Wakaba passed away... She told me "I'm not going to make it."

>story additions in Royal are fanfic tier and take away from the original plot
The new story arc is the most well written arc in the game.
>gameplay additions like the grappling hook don't really add anything
Yeah bro just ignore everything else they added to make the game better.

The only things that are objective upgrade over the original that I remember are
>The scene between anne and makoto in the school is now voiced
>Mementos has more tracks

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>complaining about fanfic-tier writing in a japanese product

>Persona 5 is totally better than Royal!!!

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The original was already too easy.

didn't royal just add a bunch of gay fujo stuff with Goro?

so, how does royal work exactly? is there a boss after yaldabaoath? or do they put the new segment between you killing god?

I won't debate because I didn't play Royal, but I sure will fucking say that Persona 4 Vanilla >>>>>>>>> Golden

as if there's anything of value to take away from the original plot anyway, Royal's real crime wasn't rewriting that garbage


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The new boss is after Yaldy and they assume control of Yaldy’s place basically.

Royaltrannies coping after buying the same garbage game twice with more gay shit shoved in

To be fair, Goro and Maruki are the only interesting characters in this game.

We get it, you couldn’t play it so now you have to cry like a baby.

> bargain bin Sasuke
> interesting


I never watched Naruto, but Goro would never kill his entire clan.

If you do certain things you get a new villain
There is an entire segment with "normal" overworld moments
The funny part is that this new villain rises because the power you got to actually kill yaldabaoth transfers to him

So, you're saying that I didn't play it just like 70% of Persona 5 fans?

>musturd mad he can't emulate the definitive version of P5.

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I can watch new cutscenes on YouTube, snoy.

It’s not like all the new shit is at the end of the game. Like 40% is dispersed throughout the game.

and that's a good thing

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>when royal forces you to be sad because ren is sad

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They're both garbage, who gives a shit.