Why africa is such an underexplored setting in games?

Why africa is such an underexplored setting in games?

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Because no one knows shit about it.
I bet there's some really interesting stuff in there though.

it is not interesting place and black people are not interesting

Egyptians were aliens, not humans. Pick better be unrelated.

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Egyptians weren't black you historical revisionist moron

They've been making games that take place in Africa for decades. You'd know this if you actually played games.

A lot of places are. Africa, India, the Middle East, China, The Philippines, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, not many games set in any of these regions.

Why do negroes keep appropriating other peoples' cultures? Actual Egyptians are getting sick of it.

Damn, African girls look like THAT???

lol no

>Why africa is such an underexplored setting in games?
Because nobody wants to be there, or be anywhere near it's peoples.

Because Blacks outside of Africa prefer to be Kangz, Romanz, or Samuraiz.
These people are not interested in history, but glory. Their interest in Wakanda rather than real history proves that.
Since niggers were treated as fauna until the 20th century, it makes sense that they have no interest in their own origins, but rather find it better to co-opt the origins of others.
It’s a nigger’s behavior to steal, so I don’t blame them for their short sightedness

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Don't no, MGSV Africa was really nice

I can’t even think of a game that takes place in Ireland either. Many countries are underutilized

t. has never read a book on african history

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This comes to mind.

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Because nobody cares about niggers and their dumb problems.

The only worth while places Africa exploring is North Africa

No one wants to make the central african warlord rts/4x I've been craving.

Name 1 (one [singular]).

you tell me

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>Egyptians weren't black
This is your brain on Zig Forums

>It’s a nigger’s behavior to steal
>The thing white men have been doing for years but when they do it, it's called Conquest
kek. Damn I wish I was white so I could coast through life on the glory of those who have come before me.

Modern Egyptians aren't even genetic decendants of Ancient Egyptians

God i want her to use my face as a chair

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In order for there to be a worthwhile story/game there needs to be something to tell. The cultural aesthetics of medieval Europe are far more versatile, intricate and hold much more potential. They are fantastical, grandiose fantasy but they have very clear real world cultural draws and they heavily resemble the aesthetic they're drawn from to the point where they fit right in. You couldn't do that with other settings or myths, because to make their cultural aesthetic grandiose, fantastical and interesting you'd have to change so much of it that it wouldn't fit with the original aesthetic or culture at all because the original style was so simplistic, uninspired and limited in scope that barely any interesting iterations or evolutions design wise could be made.

imagine if pol spend 1/10 of their time learning about black history instead of talking about incel memes.

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Didn't half of MGS5 take place in africa?

Stupid idiots never wrote anything down
Only west and East accomplished anything and that's by proximity to Arabs and moors

It's a continent that has added very little to human history.

lol no

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Lol no Muhammad

poofy hair is a fucking visual barrier and can cause accidents

because no black makes any fiction set in africa? even as a comic? they gotta make it on their own. dont rely on others. if they make cool shit, others will try to adapt to it.

>you'll never do the oreo with to black chicks

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I'd explore her setting if you know what I mean.

Not everyone in Africa is black you dumb mutt.

I'm not sure I understand.

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Black women love tying up white guys and letting their huge black asses bounce on white cock with the intend of being bred.


uganda films are better than american ones.
wakaliwood is 100% kino.

Africans, and even "Civilized Africans" can't even write coherent setences in today's world. What makes you think they can write a history book?

Egyptians aren’t black now, so if you’d like to explain how they used to be black but now aren’t, be my guest

>Egyptians aren’t black now

nigeria has crazy shit, it's just hard to find because of the wild direct to video piracy market

Don't disrespect Arabs by comparing them to niggers
Arab parents I know would disown their daughters if they married a nigger

To the SJW and Zig Forumspol user actual African culture is a two way street to them. The one thing in common is they're so affixed on the ooga booga mudhuts or the enslavement side of things, they fail to realize how rich and unique cultures around Africa really is. It's always the ooga booga or whitey bad and never the countless different unique kingdoms.

>Two black WOMEN
You have no clue what oreos look like, do you?

North Africans are far closer related to Caucasians then they are negroids you fucking idiot and no >HUR NOT WHITE meme will make a difference

16% of africans have an IQ of 110 or higher.

not all blacks are dumb.
Igbos have an average IQ of 107.

yeah, the issue is that africa still lacks internet access in mass scale.

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Shitty culture.

All meds are white

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This is your brain on Zig Forums

>penetrate one while getting pegged by the other

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How much does one of these go for in the North African slave trade?

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bad feet

That's an american half breed
Real nigs are dark

why do straitjackets look so damn comfy?

because africa is 95% desert and 5% subhuman apes thats why.
nothing interesting in africa.

The right of conquest is a divine principle. Whites even made regulations for looting cities.
Whites never even conquered, or stole from blacks. You negroes have no concept of private property or borders anyways. You preferred the golden shackles of slavery rather than freedom, almost begging to have a master because Sovereignty is a foreign concept too

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Only if it's a real dick. Nothing is as pointless as a strapon

Reply to this post if you'd fuck the entire flesh colored rainbow.

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God i want this so bad

ebony queens are for white shotas

Post games that ultilized Africa well.

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Did Arabs originate from sub Saharan Africa? No. So they're not black you utter mong.

I know enough old white people who are that brown because they go on holiday to sunny places all the time.

Far Cry 2
Resident Evil 5

naming the two games I've played and now takes place in africa, where dark skinned people are and don't look like norse africans as in your pic.

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I loved the atmosphere in this game

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This. If she's hot, it doesn't matter what color she is.

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I would actually play an assassin's creed game set in the zulu empire or something, where you have to fight off both european and arab invaders

Too bad the game is boring as shit though.