Why are fanboys like this? What mental illness causes this?

Why are fanboys like this? What mental illness causes this?

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Niggerism can lead to many abilities some considered to be unnatural

>Zig Forums being salty they don't have a spare $500 around

this happens with every console launch, theres always someone who destroys all the new consoles to get attention

why didn't he just pirate it LOL

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stop with the racism, "niggerism" is perfectly natural, animalesque in fact.

>dude makes a gorillian times that back in jewtube ad revenue plus makes a bunch of console cucks seethe

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Cope poorfag. I bought 12 PS5s and set them on fire in front of Gamestop.

This is the equivalent of bending over letting a dude fuck you in the ass turning around paying him then beating the shit out of him and saying he's the gay one.

They're most likely streamers or youtubers who get 50k per video so it's an investment on their part. They can probably write it off as a tax deductible expense too

Most of them are doing so so you can know better what your shit can take though which is a good thing.

Only "people" (corporate dick sucking faggots) salty over FOMO bullshit (that is 100% the compnay's fault) because they didn't get a preorder care about someone else destroying shit.

Tribalism. Because at the end of the day, we're all still the same group of chimps shouting angrily and pelting eachother with stones over a fruit tree thousands of years ago. The more things may change, the more they stay the same for the absolute worst.

Tribalism. A sense of security in knowing you're right with 'majority' support obscures a person's rationality.

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Anyone remember that one guy who posted a long rant on youtube shortly after the wii/ps3 came out because someone smashed a ps3?

>a spare $500 around
Well, I sure as hell still have it, unlike the retard in the OP.

honestly this, if you cant afford to spend 500 dollars to make someone else angry why dont you take a look at what you are doing wrong with your life and your money?

Slick marketing hype, pay-roll fags.

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Lol based

What is wrong with Sonyfans? Are they not mentally stable? Why do they see the need to forge identity through consumption?

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>hate a company
>support them just to spite them

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people do this with every console release bored rich kids record themselves smashing new tech to get reactions and attention

This, it's the same as all the iPhone smashing on JewTube. With 4-5 million monetized views, one console is nothing.

the kid that makes this shit is quite literally autsitic. listen to him talk. i can't stand his videos, i couldn't care less about the toys getting broken, he's just hard to watch. i can't stand tards

They're a cult.

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>no proof

>take a picture of literally anything
>add any context depending on what sort of angle towards an individual, group, nation, whatever you're aiming for
Somewhere down the line mkultra worked and killed the growing "critical thinking" trend from late 90s to late 00s

Snoys giving Microsoft free money.

>Gaming PC brand

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its tradition since the infamous smash my 360 video

>Being lower than Xbox

>Why yes I like videos of people smashing new toys with a hammer.

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That hate Sonyfags have for Xbox and Microsoft far outweighs the hate any Xbox "fanboys" have for PlayStation. I join parties on both consoles. Nobody that I talk to on Xbox even gives a shit what PS5 is doing. There's not even a negative opinion, that's how little anyone cares. They already know what console they're picking up, and it's usually way down the road because who the fuck buys a new console at launch?

There's weirdos that pledge their loyalty to just about every company out there, but this level of mental illness is definitely more prevalent with PlayStation than any other console. It's sad really. I truly do hope they get the help they need.

Nice pants shitting wolf

>gaming laptop
This is retarded.

>literally just giving money to Microsoft for nothing in return

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I don't understand how fanboys are still a thing once you have a job and are able to afford whatever console you want. I get it from a schoolyard perspective when you get one console as a present a year or have to save up forever and it's literal children discussing things, but as an adult or even a teenager with a job, it feels like mental illness.

from what i hear they dont even need a hammer for the ps5

>even spending a dime to piss of random losers you'll never meet
I bet you call yourself a man.


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>xbox brand loyalty
>when no one bought the xbone, not even the most loyal fanboys

Gravity Rush is such an underrated series. It’s a shame Sony doesn’t give a fuck about it because I guess Kat isn’t the “right” kind of female empowerment? Most likely because she isn’t a lesbian and is actually cute

I had a conversation like this with a guy at my work, he kept asking which console I was LOYAL to and I told him I was just gunna eventually get both and his mind fucking broke in realtime

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>Guys we can solve racism!
>We argue over which plastic box we play our video games on.

Good luck with that, you hairless apes. Millions of years of evolution and we invented the nuclear bomb before we found a way to put aside our differences based on race, religion, and what console we buy.

Reddit is down the hall to the left

>Get both
>Called a centrist
You can't win against smoothbrains.

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>being “loyal” to multi billion dollar soulless corporations
this is what happens when people abandon God


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