How would you save gaming?

How would you save gaming?

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You dont

By somehow making it easier or more accessible to develop and release games is really the only thing I can think of. The big players just aren’t satisfying anymore so we need new devs, problem is making a game is a lot of time and effort and resources.

with big fat bat tats

Nuke China, kill every American born after 1985

Erase Zig Forums and twitter. In that order.

giving game development teams more time than rushing them to get it done within a short amount of time

More furbait.
More cunny.

Destroy California and all who hail from there.

More games like advance wars.

>kill every American born after 1985
wrong its kill every American that didnt have family in the country before 1985

Make emulation and modding of older games easier. We have enough good games to last us a lifetime, it's just a matter of accessibility.

Get it to be as bad and filled with microtransactions as you can to finally kill it and let it be reborn from the ashes

I'm all for getting rid of twitter they can be considered more toxic than Zig Forums and support cancel culture

This, except 1900.

But user emulation is extremely easy with retroarch and the plethora of romsites that are out there

Fuck DLC and microtransactions. Take out libshit agendas and go back to basics.

so true game companies can fuck off with that shit

Go back in time and kill any blizzard employee that says the word "MMORPG" and force them to keep making rts and arpg

It's over. I was replaying Dragon Warrior NES this morning and we've lost the simple charm of enjoying experiences like that. It's the difference between radio and television.

Some engines like UE4 and Unity are already trying it but the problem is games still require a ton of artistic prowess in a lot of fields to make. Even if you’re good in one and work exclusively using blueprints you have to worry about the rest. Most people tend to learn one art properly, not three

t. The Eggman

A total collapse of the industry and thus a clear out of all those that only linger around for everything but the games. Something better will arise from the ashes.

DQ1 is not a good choice to replay nowadays. It's too short and simple. Play III or IV on nes instead, those hold up really well, despite their remakes being objectively superior

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Eject all women and effeminate men from the game development industry.

Thanks. I wanted to replay the original because it was what I rented when I was a kid. It's definitely simple, but charming in it's own way. I put myself back into the mindset of back then, but I doubt most kids would spend more than a few minutes with it.

1800. Immigrants get out

Better idea: eject all women from the workforce, period.

you mean Dr. RoBUTTnik

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No problem bro, same happened with me and DQII, game is a pain in the ass even when you know what to do but I can't help but like it as it's the one i had as a kid. It wasn't until III when they got it right

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Fuck off Amy. You're not funny, your stupid little "pun" didn't impress anyone, does anyone here think it's funny? No. No one does.
Infact, every has second hand embarrassment from it. That's right Amy, just because you're cute doesn't mean you get to be an un-funny retard without social consequences.
You two-faced whore, you pull sonic along by his quilly dick all day and bend over for Shadow every night, don't think I don't know your type.
You know what, fuck you, get the fuck away from me you big pink cunt.
t. Dr RoBOTnik.

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So THIS is the master plan huh? Not bad...


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>just because you're cute doesn't mean you get to be an un-funny retard without social consequences.
Uhh yeah it does.

The fact this is true says a lot about society
