Buy her game

Buy her game

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I'd buy her services

No. FF7 is fujobait.

Only if she shows me her pits first

>built for Barret BBC

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post more tifas and maybe i will

Nah. I want to make my own party of cute customized girls and fight monsters across the world instead.

Post Tifa pubes

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A Deal Is A Deal user!

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I will when the enhanced pc port drops on around 7 months.

give me the OG design and I will

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Based. I miss her panties so fucking much.

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Don't care Kaffir, that's still haram.

I will

on xbox

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I hate this
Fuck muslims

Muslims are the reason trannies/lgbt fags haven't fully taken over the world yet

she never showed panties in her original design

>he doesn't know

That is the ONLY thing I can respect about muslims, rest is just trash


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Cloud finding her panties in a drawer does not mean she showed them during gameplay or cutscenes. Your hentai is not canon.

What about putting whores in their place, or that men can have 4 wives?

>tfw still waiting for pc port

>he still doesn't know

This. OG Tifa > The rest

I already have her game. 7r is an AU Tifa I don't really care about.

replying to me while clinging to delusions will not change reality.

>he hasn't even looked it up so he can pretend to know

Please tell me you also thought tifa's tits were nerfed in the remake too, because I want to laugh even harder at you.

Show me screenshots of her abs and then we'll talk.

>he's trying to divert attention away from the fact that he STILL doesn't know


ITT :Fake Tifafags pretending to be OG fans

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user you can't post this I've been on 50mg of zinc for a month and I'm ready to fuck right now

>please keep bumping my thread with drama
if you cared about the character you wouldn't constantly be shit stirring

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Isn't that too much? Wouldn't that also cause copper deficiency?

I want big dick and big balls YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT

As you wish Tifa.

waiting for a sale.

Game came out in March, so it should be $20-$30 on Black Friday.

Not paying $60 for part of a game, despite having the best gameplay of any FF game