
>John Lee
>and now Albedo
Three fucking 5* male banners in a row. I thought Genshin Impact is a waifufag friendly game?
You chink shills lied to me.

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Women, unexpectedly, have deeper wallets so of course they would start pandering to them first.

it is waifufag friendly because it's easier to get the girls when they're 4*. think with your brain mate

don't forget Xiao.

I might have to start rolling on standard soon if they don't rate up the original 5*s.

I got Xingqui for like 7x from Klee's banner.
Fuck off shill.

>only 1 female banner between all those
How the fuck am I supposed to get enough primos? Okay, I've made peace with not getting Childe but I definitely want to get Zhong and Xiao. But Albedo looks cool as hell too, fuck.

It's an otome game now bro. We have to kneel to the fujos. Also it could never be a waifu game when the best waifu isn't even playable

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Fuck my artifact rng luck
So sick of HP and defense

I wonder how do they expect us to get more constelations on 5*s out of rate up thought, kinda makes me not want to pull for 5*s,what do I care about them if I will never be able to get them to their max potential?

The bigger travesty is having two geo 5* in a row. Useless element.


>veibae dropped her breath of the wild playthrough midplaythrough to start genshin instead
But I enjoyed that Zelda playthrough. I love people playing it blind for the first time.

they're saving the girls for the dendro and pyro regions

>*cucks you*

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I want a electro mage gf

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Inb4 brown shota spearfag is a 5* too

The hags will start coming with Inazuma. cunny losers BTFO.

the inazuma archon is a lady, and they'll also have ayaka so at least 2 5* girls

I want to put my baby in there so when she blinkus my baby goes with her


Just give me Ganyu already

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Cocogoat. Go get it.

Use your wallet

visualize your semen slowly oozing out of her while she does that

Most launch 5 stars dont really need there constellation.

>implying the plot line of inuzuma not gunna be finding a new person who will rise to godhod and over throw baal for being a oppressive tyrant and become the new archon.

Are YOU here to play with ME? ~

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>he doesn't like cute boys
Fucking faggot, go off yourself.


Will she fall in love with me?

Don't, Standard banner is diluted by 5* weapons.

probably on friendship 6 like qiqi and fischl

She'll probably forget you even exist bro.

Liyue is the otome chapter, Inazuma will be the waifufag one.

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Is she a Sucubus?

Wouldnt she know moraxs human form? Infact wouldnt all the adepti know john Lee's human form? Or is that more of a thing for the 7 orriginal archon?

of the bottom four, upper right is from liyue and bottom left is from mondstadt. they're also the only legit titcows so far

I already did, they fucking got me. So a warning to other anons, DON'T DO IT, DON'T PAY, THE SLOPE IS REAL. It starts with a simple Welkin (oh it's cheap!), then you go for the BP (if I get it early and manage to max it then it's good value for its money and I get a nice weapon too) and then you want more and more primos (it's not gay if I suck a dick for a wish, it's for my waifu) and then you start dressing as your waifu. Be careful anons.

Yangu is a thot

>Three fucking 5* male banners in a row.
Not for long.

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Overdesigned shit I prefer Mondstadt character designs

The women are 4 stars and the cocogoat milky wife is a female too.

Most of the leaked models are women as well.

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>4 star

>Ningguang's servant

easier to get, nice.

Are they really delaying Xiao until february? He's the only one I want.

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