So. Much. This

So. Much. This.

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miles morales' life doesn't matter I know that much

if black lives matter why do blacks keep killing each other

why aren't white men having sex with white women anymore? you're literally committing white genocide if you're not having sex with a white woman right now

>nigger spiderman

maybe if women in general weren't so fucking disgusting I'd consider it.

>duuuuude the next spider man should have politics and current year events. there's an election and coronavirus so have everyone wear masks. oh and have a BLM mural somwhere XD

Im gay

Would spiderman stop niggers from vandalizing that building?


Not todays Spiderman lol

This but unironically, but ironically.

When you remember Miles dad is a cop

Spider-Man was always political, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Did they really put that in the game?

>Actually politically invested people IRL
>Invested in local community, educated, follows world events, follows local events, participate in local/provincial/state assemblies, vote, speak their mind on the public place, read a lot, potentially write a lot as well
>politically "invested" fucktards on Zig Forums
>Doesn't read much, educate themselves through memes, follow local and world events through twitter screencaps, don't care about their neighbors, only want a government to baby them and give them things, do not participate in assemblies, political "activism" can be resumed to arguing who is white and who isn't with strangers on an Anime forum

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Miles doesn't hate all cops, 4/10

only chads are having sex with white women, and chads don't want to have a fucking family.
that's what's happening.

>a capeshit game is political

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Black lives don't matter, they really don't. They're a net negative, if they were gone tomorrow the world would rejoice. They know it, everyone knows it.

they dumb

I didn't know Zig Forums had an incels general

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Rent free

You're scared aren't you?

>you're literally committing white genocide if you're not having sex with a white woman right now
but im not white

This is good, but-
(say it with me now)



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wait does everyone really wear masks in game? thats fucking tacky as fuck especially when people play the game in 2-3 years when this is all over

>Right now
I'm on fucking Zig Forums, leave me alone dude.

Come on lads, tone it down a bit. You're never gonna have sex at this rate. No normal person cares this much about it even if they see it as the vitue signalling that it is.


So wait, are you saying that the devs of this game are literally supporting a criminal, terrorist, marxist organization that is responsible for so many deaths? For LITERALLY terrorizing people on the streets, while they're happily having a meal somewhere... ? And funded pretty much exclusively by the DNC and by the Jews?
Only because the media and the corpos are also backing up those evil fuckers?

What's the next step? Backing culturally Black Hebrew Israelites and the Black Panthers? What the fuck is this shit.

Why these people support that organization I have no clue.
Maybe blacks and so.yim are the last people who actually buy video games instead of pirating them.

Agreed, this is also why white lives don't matter since they keep making world wars with each other every half a century

To be fair, Spider-Man is technically a vigilante.

All lives matter.

i fuck black women, white women literally fuck dogs, why would i stick my dick anywhere near that?

Given that blacks commit far more crime than any other race especially in cities Spiderman would have to stop blacks in almost all of his crime fighting. But yes black lives matter gamer


some people have standards user.

Wanting to fuck dogfuckers/horsesuckers.
I'll stick with women I can confirm haven't fucked any animals thankyouverymuch.

So. Much. This.

I want to see the storyline where spiderman is accused of being racist because he is enforcing the law.
>Spiderman according to our statistics you arrest blacks for murder at 4X the rate of their population
>You need to stop being such a bigot.

I like porn vidya booze and weed. These are my soma while I watch the inevitable collapse of the west. Theres no way I can have the 32yr marriage my parents have in this day and age.

yeah apparently caused by the events from Spider-Man PS4. still feels pretty tacky and shoved in just to fit with current times.

Zig Forums is going to cry about this forever, huh?

i'm sure yong creamed himself when he saw that

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if all lives matter then why did anglos invade and keep invading other countries?

>blue eyes

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Capitalist's over

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He's a minority what did you expect?

no they don't faggot

This, desu.

We did it Reddit

>if you care about things, you never have sex
what universe are you from?

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These are people killing the white race, shame on all of you!

Just had a 100% white baby. Doing my part

That's true. A lot of comics reflected the politics of the time they were written. Especially X-men. X-men is more relevant now, than when it was introduced. It was the original diversity super hero crew. There's something different though. Instead of diversity shoehorned in as, "we now introduce BLACK SPIDERMAN!" there was actually a likeable, colorful cast of characters that were unique, original, and didn't piggyback on the success of another established character. X-men is an example of diversity done right, and it has existed for a long time. I don't even dislike Miles Morales, but racebending is still weak. Static Shock gets more respect from me in this regard.

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I can't sneed

>>if you care about things, you never have sex
not him, but that's true...

Nigger, that's all that social medias are nowadays. An outlet for the average joe to express their unfiltered, unthoughtful opinions when they get terrified by something out of their control and when the newspaper invent some new thing for them to be terrified about. If it's not pittbulls, it's muh immigranta or muh cyclists or muh blacks or muh leftists or muh tradfags or muh pro Trumps.
It's all spooks. Nobody who speaks the loudest about politics is actually a politically invested person. All they do is parrot shit they hear everyday and project their immense insecurities and fears over them. I have a friend who's like that. Posts on Facebook every single day about immigrants and terrorists. She's been at it for the full 15 years I've known her. She is also a chronically anxious and mentally ill poorfag.

No lives matter all of us deserves to die

Why are people so pissy about the in-game blacks having a BLM movement? Even if you think the actual movement is just a bunch of shitheads, isn't it at least accurate that these are the kinds of people that would care about it?

nigger wars are based shut the fuck up

let the world suffer. bringing white children into the modern jew world is cruel, every thing will fall to shit when there are no white people left to pick up the pieces.

comic books were always jewish

I only like half-white women

Doesn't the fact that we have to plaster a petty slogan such as "Black lives matter" everywhere nowadays means that Blacks actually don't matter much? That they're dumb and violent, on welfare, riddled with STDs... ? Those are facts even leftists recognize, they just can't deal with it.
Black are a burden on Western society. They've been a terrible thing for Western peoples for too long. Far too long.

Sorry for the (high IQ) Black folks here on Zig Forums, but it's the truth, and we won't escape this truth eternally. The Black community just isn't on the same level as other civilizations.

at least one faggot whos not just virtue signaling on Zig Forums instead of actually doing something about it. gj user

Just what I wanted from my videogames! Virtue signaling

Based and redpilled.

I want to play this game

why he did it?

>haha I'm not prejudiced I hate everyone equally

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just becase im not white means im killing the white race? if i agree with you that niggers are bad

Factually wrong and an opinion that comes entirely from self-hatred.
We're not responsible for your lack of self-esteem.

>I'm prejudiced I hate niggers and sandnigger

The ones in the rural areas where they are actually a small minority tend to learn and shape up in time to lead a decent life by the time they're grown. It's the gang culture stereotype perpetuated by the media and city culture that drags them down. The left truly is it's own worst enemy.

I dont give a fuck about the white race.

nobody who could have kids would be on this website

What have you actually contributed to this world?

I would if I could afford it.

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When the first post is the best post

Shut up nigger

I do. Old habits die hard. Been scrolling since around 2006, probably not stopping any time soon.

Anglo lives matter more

good thing i'm neither white or black

Why is Zig Forums always lamenting about white genocide when their still the vast majority in Western civilization. You fags just love playing victim and bitching about everything.

Yes, It'd be one thing if it was another game where it's shoehorned in but it's modern day NY and there's bound to be Murals and Flags everywhere, just like the pride flag thing in Spiderman PS4.
Not to mention they work both with the Cops and Miles Dad is a Cop.
Hackfraud Journos were getting mad at the positive portrayal of the police in the game, really stupid and inflammatory shit.
Miles isn't screeching ACAB and Web-Striking random police officers.
Most Super Heroes that aren't murderous vigilantes have positive or neutral relationships with the police.

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It's like blacks are going extinct and it's the cops' fault they are doing crimes

>I feel like I can breathe again
>Biden is already warning about more lockdowns


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