Why is that reception for this game everywhere but here is mostly positive, but it's overwhelmingly negative here?

Why is that reception for this game everywhere but here is mostly positive, but it's overwhelmingly negative here?

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Today is Ann's Birthday!

Zig Forums is the only place that doesn't see this game as some holy grail of jrpgs

not overwhelmingly negative here, it's just that people who complain are usually louder than people who praise. anons loved p5 when it launched

its Zig Forumstendo hero bro
They were hyped as fuck when smash """""leaked""""" Switch version of Persona 5, when it was debunked, they pretend to hate it again

why do you care what they think elsewhere? Zig Forums is the only opinion that matters

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Because P4 was the P5 of Zig Forums, not that 5 is bad it's just 3 and 4 already set the bar here. Everywhere else on the net played 5 first.

>Zig Forums is the only opinion that matters
This but unironically.

It's popular

The positivity is mostly from people who've never played 1-4, or any of the SMT games. It's not a bad game, but it's way worse than 3 and 4 by comparison.


This mostly. Though I honestly don't like Persona 3-5 after giving them a genuine shot. I don't understand why people are so crazy about them. Well, I understand what people like (the social simming, the waifus, the VNish feel, and a few people seem to like the combat), but I don't see why those draw people. That's more than I can say for XC2 at least, I don't even see the draws for that one. Fusing Personas is fun though, I'll admit.

Because we actually like Megaten games.


Zig Forums loves this game, ignore retards

>Implying Zig Forums isnt waifufag central
Nigga, we're just now being heard? P5 was trash upon release, the waifufags were just the loudest until now.

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The opinion on Zig Forums is mixed about this game, some love it and some hate it, both sides aren't wrong since there's a lot to love but also many things to hate about this game

I unironically don't remember the last time I saw a thread about this game that wasn't negative.

There were a lot of comfy threads when Royal dropped, other than that I think everybody just moved on to different games except waifufags and shitposters

>some love it and some hate it
overwhelming majority claim to hate it
a small handful of people like it

Zig Forums played the other MegaTen games.

You clearly haven't been to enough places. There are Fagbook pages where people shit on P5

I'm playing P4G on steam right now and enjoying it. How different is P5; are social links and combat more interesting?

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it's not a bad game by any means but its just not the first persona game most people on Zig Forums played so it doesnt hold the same charm or magic if it was

You mean like basically every other game that gets talked about on here?

This holy shit. Its either nintendo fags or pc fags. The moment a game comes to their respective consoles suddenly Zig Forums loves the games.

Yes. Yes.
Overall plot is a bit worse though.

Yeah, constant pessimism is all that matters. I'm hoping one day all the pessimism here will finally ruin one of the few things in the world I enjoy so I can finally end my life.

P5R is worth playing just for the additional chapter alone

social links have actual purpose for dungeon crawling
Curse and Bless become actual damage types instead of just being instakills
persona acquisition is more akin to SMT where you negotiate with monsters to recruit them
there is no shuffle time
"dungeons" are not repeatable. Instead there's a multi-layered procedurally generated dungeon called Mementos.
There's some sidequests that involve going into there, it plays a role in the story, and that's where you'll do your grinding if you need to grind

I thought this board was ran by Sony and MS fans

Are you kidding? The extra semester gave the most compelling antagonist the series has seen to date on top of a real moral dilemma with two different endings. Also the music added in the new semester blows anything p4 or p3 did out of the water.

Combat and dungeons are the best in the series, presentation and music is excellent, the rest plays pretty much like P4G but there's generally more activities and things to keep you busy when you're not dungeon diving

a good portion of Zig Forums has actually played more JRPGs than literally only Persona 5.

Name 5 better. I bet you are a rose tinted goggles nostalgia having faggot and name 5 games from 15+ years ago that aged like milk

Games don't age retard.

Oh... no argument so you immediately jump to semantics. Okay. Go play your clunky 20-30 year old rpgs ride with clunky controls and shitty narratives.

Listen, I agree that Persona 5 is good and that you don't have to have played many JRPGs to agree
but the fact that you think games age shows your lack of appreciation for games as a whole.