Why Half-Life 2 didn't age well comparing to Doom 3?

Why Half-Life 2 didn't age well comparing to Doom 3?

Attached: 324324324.jpg (1920x1080, 1.74M)

Attached: doom3.jpg (2720x1440, 1.04M)

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Because Carmack is a techwizard

Because you are standing somewhere you can't normally access.

Why you are retarded?

While I prefer HL2’s style, Doom 3 is more stylized and doesn’t attempt subtle photorealism in the same way. The further you are from real life in visual arts, the better things tend to age.

why do russians love half life 2? is it because of the commieblocks everywhere?

savant tech

Attached: john_530_big.jpg (530x424, 29.6K)

yes, whole game takes place in Eastern Europe. also their bad computers can run it

Yes. This and because it could run on toasters.

you got it backwards, HL2 engine was good enough for tons of mods and games using it for years and doom 3 had specific engine that only works for dark sci-fi games

chad carmack vs virgin gaben

Attached: John_Carmack_at_GDCA_2017_--_1_March_2017_(cropped).jpg (429x595, 36.24K)

Why didn't OP study English more before posting?

Ravenholm alone is better than doom 3

Attached: hl2 2014-10-22 17-02-49-62.jpg (1600x900, 325.75K)

this is bait

Attached: doom 3.jpg (1280x720, 102.9K)

This area is accesable.

Attached: ab48e973681a.jpg (1920x1080, 1.29M)

Wait. Isn't HL2 based on old Quake engine like Half-Life 1? It has similar lightmaps technology.

OP is russian. You can see russian text in HUD.

>game I like - screenshot from modded game
>game I don't like - screenshot of skybox

Ship of Theseus
Some of the engine was changed for HL1, a lot of it was changed for HL2.
With all these changes, can you even call them the same engine anymore?

Prey is better than both of them LOL

Cause the first two thirds of the game is fucking easy ass driving sections,
Then the final part is just intense shooting.
Seriously those dune buggy/boat sections are two thirds of the game.
That helicopter fight is BS and cheap af

until last year retards still complained that Call of Duty uses Quake 3 Engine

It's not intentionally accessible.

The lighting has not gone far from Quake 1 engine or HL 1 (which is very same in both games).

>take a screenshot from out of bounds area
>imply the game looks like shit
That, AND you're some kind of retarded ESL from eastern europe.

Attached: 20201110193601_1.jpg (1600x900, 317.81K)

I would love to know if the doom 3 screenshots posted are from the upgraded BFG edition that came out 8 years after.

Also it’s worth noting that Doom 3 is like 90% dark hallways. It’s a lot easier to using lighting tricks to disguise low quality textures or models.

I’m not trying to shit on doom 3 here, I remember loving it when I played it back in the day, and it was impressive even on my potato family PC.

that's modded though

Attached: 20201110183343_1.jpg (1600x900, 371.79K)

Doom 3 is a bunch of corridors in the dark. hve you looked at its textures if you turn up the gamma? It looks even worse than HL2

it aged far better than doom 3

op is being facetious. Looks like he has medium or lower settings. Hl2 doesn’t look like shit unless you’re trying to make it to

Why it is so poorly detailed?

>The lighting has not gone far from Quake 1 engine or HL 1 (which is very same in both games).

that's very incorrect as quake 1's lighting was even upgraded mid-quake 1.

i like eggs

How do I run this on my XP rig now that steam is no longer supported on it?

BFG edition is worse than original. It is based on downgraded Original Xbox version ported into PC.

me too

it's a storm drain bro.

I tried sriracha on my eggs the other day, damn that was good

>go outside of the map
>why game looks bad
Im not sure if this is a poor bait or you are just retarded.

Is it truly a fair comparison though? Hasn't Valve continued to update Half Life 2? Like with new lighting and textures and shit?

this. doom 3 looked better than half life 2 when it first came out.

>is it fair to compare a skybox of game that got broken over the years with obviously modded game
and no, the textures are the sames

That is modded 100%

Also, Doom 3 was more confined compared to Half-Life 2, which had more open areas.

Both aged well regardless though, this thread is dumb.