They just had to get a literal loli porn artist to do it, huh?

They just had to get a literal loli porn artist to do it, huh?

Attached: 1605115652250.jpg (1920x1080, 263.44K)

Most mainstream artists did porn at some point in their lives.

>literal loli porn artist
uhhh hello based department??


Attached: 1589520939263.jpg (256x256, 21.16K)

Name one Japanese artist who hasn't drawn loli porn.

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 98.51K)

Only ironic weebs think that Lucina is a loli here. She's built like a midget.

Ummm, Akira Toriyama? Togashi? Oda? I don't think they have done loli porn ever...

fpbd. not sure why this is so mindblowing to normalfags.

What's happening in the bottom picture on the left?

What's wrong with that?

fake and gay


I always find it funny how some people point to (((them))) to try and explain away why porn is so prevalent in modern society when the truth simply is that humans are horny as FUCK

Something funny and/or cute.

Attached: 1453423045034.png (294x144, 19.36K)

What does it matter? As long as the drawing isn't loli porn his other works are irrelevant. Not to mention that a ton of nip artists start out by drawing lewd shit, it's practice and is easier to sell.

>Akira Toriyama
Dragonball was FILLED with shota cock.

Can i get a source on that background?

Imagine Toriyama drawing loli porn and everyone has the Trunks face, yikes.

>Akira Toriyama
Early DB had literal shota cock and tiddies.

>Thinking comical nudity is equal to shota/loli porn

This thing exactly, you fuck.

Ok, prove me wrong

Attached: 1592079263688.png (446x460, 112.36K)

>literal loli porn artist to do it

Attached: 1604762135511.png (590x469, 188.31K)

What game is this?

Anyone? Google and every search engine isnt helping

>humans are horny as fuck
No shit both my grandparents have at least 10 siblings literally only reason the first world isnt fucking overrun with people is because we have means of preventing pregnancy now

At least they got it for Lucina, a character who is already liked for her undeveloped figure.

It looks like the new alicesoft thingy.

loli porn is based so yes

What the fuck is this?
Also which artist? he seems pretty good.

Attached: file.png (397x172, 67.36K)

It's a new game the same artist is working on
It's porn obviously, go to alicesoft general on /vg/ for more info

Found it thank you

Will it be faster to learn japanese to read it or to wait for translation?

You zoomer cunts deserve the rope
Lucina is fine

Attached: 1605064086000.png (2032x3448, 2.93M)



are you serious

Attached: 2955dc6521c719f0177b563ce49418e7.jpg (541x1024, 84.71K)

text hook

A hardcore loli artist can apply for a job to a big time animation company and still get a job/career.

Western loli artists aren't so lucky unfortunately.


Yep, you got me, this is literally officially 100% Akira Toriyama loli porn

Who do you think made the design, retard?

who gives a fuck this is one of the best art sets in the game

Attached: 1605012703109.png (1000x1000, 460.73K)

Isn't that Dohna Dohna?
It's almost positively being localized.

Why wouldnt you want an expext on lolis to draw lolis.

I mean Trials of mana got a kemo artist to make Belladonna

Is this the etrian odyssey guy?

Yeah he did a bunch of art for the fire emblem phone kusoge and tw*tter HATES him.

Attached: Full_Portrait_Fae.png (1600x1920, 605.85K)


Its an eroge where you capture and whore out girls
That option specifically allows you to fuck a girl to increase their man pleasing skills but decrease their mentality


yeah what a time to be alive

Attached: img_category03.png (616x741, 111.1K)


Attached: 1579622701097.png (803x1139, 1.74M)

Just like Rance 10 amirite? Enjoy waiting 10 years EOP lmao


Toriyama has drawn lolis but never pornography of them, are you dense?

This should have been the official design. If people are going to bitch anyway, just go all out with it.

For comedy retard. Only the tits were for titillation and even then all the fanservice in dragon ball was blatantly done out of obligation.

I read the enemy can capture your girls. How's the NTR? If there's any at all.

in what world is little boy penis funny?

Totally false. Animators are the biggest perverts around. The only thing stopping western loli artists from getting animation jobs is that they don't live in Korea.