Tummy thread

just post your favourite vidya game tummy

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would kiss

Fuck that's hot. Where did you find that?

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Would be a really nice caption if it wasn't so ESL.

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God I miss the early 2000's

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How would you incorporate tummies into gameplay?

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I don't think you can. It's like asking "how can you put the color blue into gameplay" or "how can you put circles into gameplay"

How about a combat minigame where you have to subdue rambunctious lolis with precision strikes to their weak spots? A navel tickle could cause a status effect, a belly poke would stun, etc.

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or a punch to the gut to prevent the pregnancy.

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I want to shoot arrows into those navels

Hunger meter?

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not vidya

mordred will always have the best tummy

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Yea they are.

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Every game should have characters exposing their midriff.

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>Try to stealth while hungry
>Tummy rumbles and gives you away

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Truth has been spoken

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is it tummy dump time?

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legit sounds like an mgs3 thing

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Quetzalcoatl is so good. She almost makes me want to pickup this shitty gatcha.

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I love Coco's two toned tummy.

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>ctrl + f
>0 results

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Nice pick. For me personally it's Cleopatra.

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why do we tummychads have such a superior taste and fetish?

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